Sparkle Girlz Baby Unicorn by ZURU

This is a review for Zuru. I’m a part of Sparkle Girlz Blogger Blitz. I received Sparkle Girlz Baby Unicorn by ZURU 4 brightly colored Unicorns in exchange for this review.

Sparkle Girlz Baby Unicorn by ZURU are the perfect pocket-sized friend for magical adventures. I can’t wait to add these Unicorns to my nieces Christmas Stockings. There the perfect Gifts for the girls.

The bedazzled Unicorn loves Sunshine, Rainbows and all things sparkly! Just like my nieces do. I can’t wait to help them Brush the Unicorns tail. I wonder if we can put there hair in a pony tail.

Payton or Lily can twirl a bun, then we can take note of the beautiful sparkle detailing on each Unicorn’s horn, discussing the different colors and how they add a extra magical look.

I was excited to find out there are 4 different baby unicorns to collect. Which means each of the girls would get one and there would be one left over for me.

It’s hard to believe we can Sparkle all day at an amazing value as there only $1.97 each allowing everyone to be able to purchase a Unicorn of there own.

I can’t wait to watch Payton, Dixie and Lily interact with the Unicorns and how they move there heads and what stories and adventures they take there Unirons on.

I was sent a All Pink Unicorn with Pink Hair which I know Payton will want for herself. A Pink Unicorn with Turquoise hair which I will let Dixie have. Lily is like me and her favorite color is Purple so I will let her have the purple and white Unicorn.

Which leaves me with the Blue and White Unicorn which is perfect because Jason or Charlie might want to play with the girls and I know they would prefer a blue Unicorn.

How about you?

Ages 3+

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