Hello, and how are you this morning? I wanted to share Homeschool Resources with you this morning. As for the resources below I had used these resources when I was teaching Charlie. I hope these HOMESCHOOL APPROVED RESOURCES make teaching the classes your students need less stressful.

Prek – 2nd grade:

3rd – 5th grade:

Times Tales Animated DVD

History & Geography Wall Stickers Set

6th – 8th grade:

I would like to remind you to make sure your watching tomorrow as I will be sharing more Homeschooling resources for you to check out. I hope to find a lot of free resources to share with you and to be able to use in my classroom as well.

Inside this post are my affiliate links and if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage of the items you purchase.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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