Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen

Science is another class Charlie has asked if I can teach him. As he loved conducting experiments in school. So I knew I wouldn’t know what to do. So once again I headed to Google and I found this new website called Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen. As soon as I took a look on the website I knew it was what I had been searching for and will make teaching Science easy enough that either David or I will be able to teach Charlie.
Since I felt this way about Science I thought you might be struggling as well and I wanted to share the website with you. If you have used it in the past what did you think about it? Which experiments did you and your students do? Did they like them and was there anything they didn’t like about them if so what was it and why? If this isn’t the website you use to teach Science is there another one you use and if so can you leave me a link and a comment and let me know why you use it.
Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 4-12, with parental supervision)
This website is an archive of classic “old school” science experiments from the early to mid-20th century. The experiments are easily made with stuff you will find around the house – especially in the kitchen. That said, the creator of the site doesn’t guarantee all of the experiments will work or that they are all safe, so parental discretion and oversight is a must.
You will find experiments that include every branch of science including:
  • Gasses and Liquids
  • Force, Motion, & Balance
  • Locomotion
  • Temperature
  • Sound and Light
  • Electricity
  • Atomic
  • Chemistry
  • Life
  • Earth, Weather, and Astronomy
  • Communications
  • and more!
Learn everything from how to cast animal tracks, to how to make a solar oven or a foxhole radio. It’s all here. The instructions are simple and easy to follow.

As with all science, activities read through the list of “ingredients” and be sure you have what you need before convincing your child to try an experiment. Nothing dampens the scientific creative spirit more than not having the necessary materials to experiment in one’s kitchen laboratory.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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