Blogger Shoutout: Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

I was struggling over if I can or can’t Homeschool Charlie when low and behold God leads me to a new blog. I would like to ask you to check out Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus .

If you ask me this website is a plus because there are many Homeschooling articles on there that I’ve been looking for. When I walked away I knew I could Homeschool Charlie and he wouldn’t suffer.

Mommies Reviews Blogger Shoutout

Just by using the resources I found on Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Pllus I could teach Charlie. Because Tina shares with us enough resources that we would never runs out of things to teach our children.

I sat down this morning to work on Lesson Plans I wanted to teach Charlie next year. History was one of the classes I planned on teaching but I didn’t have a clue where to start or what to use.

God knew this and he lead me to Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus  and on the website is a lesson called 5o Free History Unit Studies –History Lover’s Round Up.

I like how each lesson in this series comes with all the resource we will need to teach our children. Having her tell us where she tells us to go and and how to download things will save us time.

I browsed further into the website and I noticed Tina runs                                 31 Day Free Homeschool Boot Camp.  Even though I’ve been Homeschooling since October I plan on taking this course. I’m sure the Bootcamp will answer some of the questions I have and help calm my nerves as we go into 3rd grade.

New Bee Homeschooler

Debbie's Unit Factory Logo

I finished looking at the History Lesson and through the website some more because I knew Charlie and I had talked about studying Pirates this week.

I was amazed Tina had a unit on Pirates and inside the unit you will find all the resources we need to teach our children this year.  I read through the Pirate lesson to see if I thought this would be a course Charlie could do,

There was a lot of lessons on Pirates Charlie will be able to do on his own. I Allowing me to have some time to myself. So don’t forget to check the lessons out to share with your children.

With us studying Pirates this week Mrs. Elle Emme found us a Pirate song for us to use in our Music class this week. You will find the song in                   Debbie’s Unit Factory.

I can’t wait to share the song with Charlie because I know Charlie is going to love the song and will be singing it for days and days. I would like to invite you to check out Debbie’s Unit Factory as well because there is so much for us Homeschoolers to use in our classrooms.

I would like to remind you to check out My Very Own Pirate Tale Storybook and check out the Gift Set. With it you will get a Bandanna for the kids to wear as well as some Stickers for them.

I have a question for you have you studied Pirates in your classroom? If so what did you use? Where did you get the resources for Pirates? Have you used any of the Homeschooling Resources I mentioned? f so what did you think of them?

When I woke up Charlie asked me if I knew how to draw a Pirate Ship. I reminded Charlie that I couldn’t draw to save the world. As I got school work ready I decided to see if I could Google how to draw Pirate Ships..

As I sat here I knew I wanted to make our Pirate studies new and different so we needed a Sword to go with our Bandanna. I went and searched on Amazon and look what I found and it comes with a eye patch which all Pirates need.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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