Febreze fabricRefresher Hawaiian Aloha

With the Holiday’s here I have been fighting depression as I have been missing Suzzane so much the past couple weeks. I have been looking for items to help remind me of her. Yesterday, with Charlie’s birthday party being this week we ran to Walmart’s and picked up cleaning supplies including candles we could burn throughout the house. Candles will make our home comfy and cozy.

One of the items I knew I wanted to pick up was a new bottle of Febreze fabricRefresher Hawaiian AlohaDavid and Charlie had used most of mine the other day when they were cleaning. After entering Walmart’s I headed to the cleaning supply section. As soon as I did I found Febreze fabricRefresher Hawaiian Aloha I knew this scent of  Febreze would be perfect for our home. Visiting Hawaii was mine and Suzzane’s dream to visit one day and even if she wasn’t able to join us at Charlie’s birthday party yesterday by using Febreze FABRIC Hawaiian Aloha it was like Suzzane was with us.

Febreze Fabric Refresher Hawaiian Aloha Air Freshener, 27.0 oz

I loved the scent oFebreze FABRIC Hawaiian Aloha and I loved seeing how fast it would go into the couch and not leave the cushions to wet where we couldn’t sit on them. I sprayed the couch cushions early that morning and the party was at 2 and I didn’t have to respray the cushions as the fragrance lingered on. I liked knowing  Febreze FABRIC Hawaiian Aloha wasn’t overpowering because it wouldn’t bother my mother in law’s Allergies or Charlie’s Asthma. Febreze FABRIC Hawaiian Aloha is new a staple in our home.

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