Inside Our Homes We Are Setting Up A Car Wall

If we are able to purchase our home like we had planned on doing. Until my father changed his mind. Leaving David and I twisting in the wind not knowing what we will be doing.

Charlie had decided he would like a wall inside our home where he could put his cars he collects on. So as David and I talked it over we decided that we could do a wall in our living room.

Since I have cars I have collected and I also have Suzzane’s cars from Fast and the Furious. As well as the cars and things Charlie has collected.  So as we had been looking for items for the wall we stopped at a Garage Sale.

While at the Garage Sale I found a picture with a map made of license plates and 3 different signs that would be perfect for the wall. Plus, each one had a special meaning to me and my family.

this morning I thought I would share these pictures with you and tell you what each one means and why I wanted this set of pictures as I knew they would be perfect for the car wall.

I wanted this one as I want Charlie to know if he imagines something and he doesn’t give up he can do anything. I also taught this to Leslie and Suzzane. So as I was sitting her today worried about what my dad and Tommy will do for our home.

I decided I will just imagine this home is ours and continue with mine, Charlie’s and Davids plans. If we do end up moving at least we will have somethings to decorate our new home with.

Because worrying is only making me sick and I can’t keep doing this as it is causing my blood pressure to go higher and higher. So as of today I am putting it in Gods hands and David can deal with Tommy and dad as I am done.

The second license plate says dream and I think everyone should do this each day and never give up on there dreams. So with this license plate to remind us to dream I hope it allows us to always do this.

Because by purchasing this home would be a dream of mind and Davids. As we haven’t ever owned our own home and it would mean Charlie always has a place of his own. So once again I place it inside Gods hands. Because if this is the home God would like for us to purchase then everything will work out and we will have a new home for my family.

If it isn’t Gods will then I know he has something else for us in the works and that is fine as well. We just need to remember this and not to stress over it. As it causes problems in our family and no, house is worth that ever.

The third license plate says “BELIEVE” and that is something I do each and every day in each and everything I do. As well as what I teach the kids including Suzzane and Charlie.

In fact believe was the word I chose last year as my word of the year and I am using it again this year as I plan on soaring and to do this I have to believe in myself now and always.

Also it was Suzzane’s motto and also the tattoo Leslie has on her arm as it keeps her grounded and tells her to believe in herself. I know one day I will have sign with believe made to hang over my desk.

In the meantime I have the perfect license plate for our car wall. Unless I take it and put it inside Charlies room as I always want him to believe in himself and to not give up on himself or his dreams.

Then there is the actual map made of license plates and if you look real closely you can see it says Oklahoma on it and that is where my father lives. So it is like he is here with us when I look at the map.

So I have a question for you what do you think of a car wall and what all would you put on it? What do you think about the pictures I shared with you? Do you think they would look okay on the car wall? Or should I pick something else out for the wall and if so why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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