Remembering Grandma’s Kitchen

Last night David and I sneaked out to the Lake House Tammy’s boss was staying at. As she had Charlie and David wanted to play with the boys in the lake. As we haven’t ever taken Charlie to the lake. As Charlie was always afraid to get into the lake. Which I know was my fault.

So last night as we got ready to cook dinner out at the Lake House David built a fire in the fire pit and Tammy and I gathered up the hot dogs and sticks to cook them over the fire with.

As we did this we also got out the items to make Smores with. Now let me tell you a little secret I am 50 years old and have never made Smores as I don’t eat them.

But I had no, problem cooking hot dogs. I just didn’t remember the fire being as hot as it was that night. Once the hot dogs was done the boys went swimming and Tammy was on the phone.

I sat and looked out at the water  and thought of my childhood and how many times I had been at the same lake as a kid. Although I couldn’t remember ever cooking hot dogs. All I could remember was sandwiches or my dad bringing homemade Fried Chicken and Potato Salad.

Which you would have thought I would miss and want since my mom is gone and she made the Potato Salad. Although it wasn’t. Let me tell you what I enjoyed the most about leaving the lake at the end of the weekend.

It would be stopping by my grandmothers as my brother and I would walk into her home. Open the icebox one of us would grab us a drink and the other one would grab the hot dogs.

We would turn her gas stove on and grab her metal fork and roast us some hot dogs. I can still hear my dad saying stop that your going to mess her stove up. But once the hot dogs was done it never failed that he would ask me if I had made him one.

So all I can say is I wish I still had a gas stove like my grandmothers as they made the best hot dogs ever and I would cook some each and ever day. Just so I could remember my childhood a little while longer.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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