Was It A Miracle Or A Blessing

You all know we packed up the car to head out to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum in Wichita Falls, TX on Monday. As I had the feeling I God was wanting me to take Charlie and David there. I just didn’t know why we were supposed to go when we started out to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum.

We walked around the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum as we did  I started to talk to a lady behind the counter. Never knowing she or her husband who was also working the counter were wrestlers.

Or that I would come home with a new friend and there personal emails as well as  a invite to come back out in May to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum to a event they host which will allow Charlie to meet quite a few wrestlers.

I thought was the reason God brought us there that day was for Charlie to see wrestling merchandise up close although that wasn’t it. The reason God brought me there didn’t have  anything to do with wrestling or even blogging for that matter.

Ask Charlie who this is….

The reason was for  Suzzane and something I wouldn’t have ever knew about if I hadn’t followed my gut and taken Charlie to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum

Because no, matter where I go I always share Suzzane’s story as I want others to learn from her accident. As I did the lady who was manning the counter and taking payments turned out to be a wrestler.

As we begin to talk I mentioned Suzzane and her death. So she asked me some questions. Which lead to me mentioning the Car Show in Springtown which we held to raise money for Suzzane’s burial.

As we talked I let her know it was in Springtown, Texas and the date the where the car show was. As I mentioned this I watched her face and she was in shock. I couldn’t figure out why. Until she mentioned she had been at the Car Show as she was working for O’Reilly’s at the time.

As her and her husband use to live in Fort Worth and shewould attend Car Shows for her job. This was the second Car Show she had been to. She was supposed to have attended a Wrestling Match the night of the Car Show but it was cancelled for some reason. Freeing her to come to the Car Show. Which was all part of Gods plan for her to be there that day.

Without even knowing  she was a part of the reason I was able to bury my daughter I let her  know  they helped us raise the money we needed. Through the Car Show as we was $200 short which God knew as it was what I had in my pocket when I walked into the event.

If I hadn’t listened to God telling me to go to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum I would never have gotten to meet this kind caring lady or her husband and find out she helped me when I most needed it.

This morning all I can say is thank you God for your kindness that day so many years ago. As well as your kindness the day we went to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum as Charlie is still amazed and talking about the trip and all he saw. Both David and Charlie are trying to figure out how soon they can come back up.

Then was kind enough to even mention movies we should purchase for Charlie. . As well as have started looking into Wrestling Schools for Charlie. As they were kind enough to tell us how to find them. As David had been asking me and I had no, clue.

The kindness of these two individuals  have changed our lives in so many ways that I could never tell them all the changes that have happened since we returned home. Or thank them enough for taking the time to talk to 4 strangers that day.

All I can say is this trip to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum a “GOD TRIP ” and we were blessed beyond words. I can never thank them enough for all they did for my family. I am telling you somehow someway I am taking Charlie back to the  Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museumin May to the three day event event they host even  if I have to sell the shirt off my back to get Charlie there.

As this isn’t anything I would have been able to afford to take  Suzzane to Even though she also liked Wrestling. Nor could I have talked my ex into going with me and Suzzane as it wasn’t his cup of tea. Which is fine as it wasn’t Gods time for us to be there.

So this morning all I can say to theProfessional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum you helped make a little boys dreams come true and David and I are eternally grateful to you.

More than that though as a mom I was able to see someone that helped me with my daughter and I can never ever thank you enough for that. Without people like you I wouldn’t have been able to bury Suzzane. As it was the money we raised from the Car Show which allowed that to happen.

Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum

If you or someone you know are Wrestling Fans I hope you will take the time to check out there website and to also visit the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum. As visiting the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum would be a trip of a lifetime.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates



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