15 Must Make Halloween Wreaths

Charlie’s school is having a Halloween Door Decorating contest for the teachers at his school. Charlie asked me if I would help him look up Halloween Crafts that could be used to decorate doors Charlie’s teacher would be able to create. I sat down to look for Halloween Decorations. I decided I would look up Wreaths because everyone loves them.

I am back with 15 must make Halloween Wreaths Charlie’s teacher can choose from as well as Halloween Wreaths we can ask Leslie to help Charlie and I make for our home as well as her grandmother’s front door. Once Charlie and I learn from Leslie and the Halloween Wreaths below we may even make one for my sister.

Knowing we need to also take decorations out to my mother, grandmother and to my daughter Suzzie Charlie and I plan on making Halloween Wreaths from the list above to decorate their Graves with. The wreaths we design will be able to be used for many years to come and if we get tired of them we can just switch out the decorations we use.

Charlie also wanted me to let you know that he plans on making Skeleton Wreath by DIY Candy for his bedroom door. Once Charlie let me know what he planned on doing I decided I would make Tissue Paper Skull Wreath by Rocky Mountain Bliss for my bedroom door. That is if Charlie doesn’t take it because he loves Skulls.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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