2019 is right around the Corner

Can you believe Christmas is only 2 weekend away? On Sunday Charlie will be 11. Where has the time gone? How can Charlie be 11 and entering Middle School next year? As we prepare for this year to be over I have been working on things we needed to do in the House. As well as trying to figure out where I would like to go with the Blog.

I sit down each day and Pray I know I am not ready to give up on the Blog. I just don’t know where I want to go with the Blog. This week I need to make Goals and to decide on my word for the year. As I always try and find one word that can help carry me through the year. Although this time I also would like to add a Bible Verse to our lives.

Charlie, David and I have been struggling as a family. There have been times I can’t decide if I want to keep going on or if it’s time for us to split up as a family. All I know is God knows what is happening and that through Prayers I know the Lord will take care of us. Because there is one thing I know and that is I love my family.

I couldn’t live without Charlie, and David although I hate being disrespected all the time by a child. It has gotten so bad that I am ready for Charlie to find a new family. As this is what he says he wants. Because I hate the way he talks to David and I. As well as the fact that he keeps saying he wishes he was dead.

I wish we had insurance so we could take Charlie to the doctor because he can be so ugly and then turn around and be as nice as possible. Charlie’s brother is Bi-Polar and no, parent ever wants there child to be but there is times I wonder if Charlie is as well. Or if his attitude is part of ADHD.

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Although when I mention my concerns to David he says it’s just a child being a child. But I don’t think it is. Then there is the fact David and I have been arguing more than usual. We needed a new car and I thank the Lord we was able to get one but since then money is so tight. David is working crazy hours.

I am trying to turn my blog into a business. That I can’t even breathe and I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like a failure and a wife. All I can ask if my friends would PRAY for us as we move forward with a new year. Because if next year is as hard as this year I honestly don’t know what I will or will not do.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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