4 Signs That It Is Time to Let Your Pet Go

It is always hard to say goodbye to what you treasure. The cycle of life dictates that at one point, life must come to an end. It is a phenomenon that applies to all living things. It includes pets as well. There are times when you need to be able to decide to let your pet go. It is not a decision to be made in haste. Before looking up pet euthanasia in the Reno area, you should be sure time has come. Some of the ways to tell include:

  1. Very ill

If your pet has an incurable disease or is too sick, it might be time to consider other options. Some disorders might make your pet very disinterested in life or make them very miserable. It might be something incurable that cannot change despite the effort you put into taking care and curing your pet. Rather than have them be in constant pain and anguish, it might be a good idea to put them to sleep. You can decide to put an end to their suffering. In some cases, some of the medication required may be too expensive, and you aren’t able to afford them. Putting them to sleep enables them to find peace and prevents you from getting into a financial fix.

  1. Old age

Age is an inevitable part of life. It may slow down your pet and make them less effective. In some cases, age makes them prone to some diseases. If your pet has lived a full life, it might be time to put them to rest. Continuing to keep them alive and making them work as hard as they used may put an unnecessary strain on them making their condition worse. Don’t feel guilty when putting your pet down due to old age as their time has reached. It is better to remember them for their lively selves.

  1. Quality of life

Your pet may not be unwell or old but have a low quality of life. They may refuse to eat daily, be unresponsive to love and care and even refuse to participate in play time. Of course, it is essential to try and establish the reason for such changes in behavior and try as much as possible to rectify it. However, if you are unable to, letting them go may be what works for both of you. If they have lost their zeal for life and can’t seem to get it back, keeping them around would be like a punishment and disservice to them. It is good to have the vet advice you on the best way forward.

  1. Dangerous

Some illnesses make your pet wild and dangerous. They become more carnal and have an urge to cause harm to you and your family. If your pet makes you afraid and you feel threatened, it is time to put them to sleep. Pets are meant to provide friendship and security, not fear. Putting them down may be what is best for you and your family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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