5 ways to enrich your child’s Summer through music

Looking for a fun way to keep the kids engaged this Summer that doesn’t feel like homework? Try music! In honor of National Music Day which fell on June 21st, Emotional Intelligence Expert & WURRLYedu Founder Nadine Levitt is sharing 5 ways to enrich your child’s summer through music.

Music provides fertile grounds for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), as it is inherently social and emotional. Skills like adaptability, self-regulation, empathy, creativity, and confidence can be taught in an organic way through music. Fun, educational activities that Nadine recommends are: 

1. Make a Family Music Video. By making a music video as a family, creativity is fostered, memories relished, and you get to keep a fun memento of the summer.

2. Create Instruments. Don’t let a lack of supplies or materials limit you. Get creative and make instruments out of household items and then play them together as a family band.

3. Embrace the Arts. Have the kids practice an instrument, sing karaoke, dance or use music to inspire creative writing. Musical activity involves nearly every region of the brain.

4. Meet kids where their inspiration lies. Your children are most likely to show up and embrace a project if they are inspired by it. Whether it’s a virtual camp focused on music or learning to play an instrument, find activities that enable kids to lead themselves with their own curiosity to engage them the most. 

5. Have musical discussions. Another simple activity is to start talking about what emotions are reflected in music. Listen to music together and start a conversation about how it makes you feel. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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