6 Healthy Daily Habits to keep and aid weight loss in 30 Days

Sometimes the journey of weight loss can be one of the hardest goals to achieve. If you have ever tried it, you know how challenging the whole thing could be. Starting to tweak your lifestyle by maintaining daily healthy habits of a strict diet plan and consistent physical activity is not something that many have managed.

Weight loss

I know you might have tried the morning exercise, but you then realize that you are too busy to prepare a healthy meal. You find yourself gobbling some doughnuts and find it hard to stick to a healthy diet.

Later you realize that nothing changes. The more you struggle, the more weight you add. You end up thinking, “Maybe I can’t do it.”

If you are struggling with weight loss, hang in there. You are not alone. While you cannot make a change in your body overnight, it is still possible to achieve it through a consistent daily habit. Below are six habits you need to maintain.

1. Get hydrated in the morning

Did you know that when you sleep you lose water? According to Duke University health system, an average adult can lose about 2 liters of water in every 24 hours through sweating, urinating and bowel movement.

Taking water as the first drink in the morning kick-starts your digestive system and helps your bowel to move effectively. Staying hydrated helps you to reduce feeding hence preventing you from adding weight.

2. You must give a cold shoulder to refined foods.

Refined foods like white sugar, alcohol and other processed foods are complete thumbs down for you. Instead, go for fruits, fish, and leafy greens.

As for sugary drinks and alcohol, you can blend fruits and also drink much water.

3. Exercise

We all know that this can be the hardest part. The truth is, moving your body is one of the natural ways of burning fat. It is equally crucial to get active consistently for at least 60 minutes per day to increase your calorie burn.

You don’t have to spend long hours doing heavy exercise. Studies show that if you run or jog at 10m/h, you can burn 1,000 calories.

4.  Take more protein and fiber

Did you know that intake of fiber and protein reduces the urge of calorie-rich foods? Intake of proteins aids your body to maintain the muscle mass making it burn all the fats stored in the body for energy.

On the other hand, fiber increases the rate of metabolism and improves digestion. The healthiest fiber foods include green vegetables.

5. Eat low carb diet

Can you imagine losing an extra pound a day while resting? As much as eating a low carb diet for weight loss might be an old idea, studies show that it helps to lose weight.

In 2012, results of a study showed that people who take low carb diet burn over 300 calories in a day while they rest. Taking a low carb diet helps to reduce hunger hence making you eat less.

6 Healthy Daily Habits to keep and aid weight loss in 30 Days

6. Never skip breakfast

If you ever thought that skipping breakfast will help you lose weight, you are on the wrong track. To lose weight, you need to eat approximately 300 calories of whole grains and a healthy mix of protein for breakfast.

You might want to try a sandwich together with apple butter and peanut butter. They will reduce hunger making you snack less.

If you have trouble losing weight, I believe you can see how easy it can be. The critical point of weight loss is maintaining daily healthy habits. Focus on your goals. If other people were able to lose weight, why not you?

Have you ever tried the weight loss challenge and it worked for you? What healthy habits did you practice achieving that? Share with us in the comments section below.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

10 thoughts on “6 Healthy Daily Habits to keep and aid weight loss in 30 Days”

  1. These sound like some great tips – I really need to make sure I stay more hydrated I keep forgetting to drink well anything. In fact as soon as this comment is written I’ll go and get something.

    1. I also forget to get a drink and when I do it may not be water which I know I need so I am off to grab some now why I am thinking about it.

  2. These are some excellent tips for me right about now, as I’m on a weight loss journey. Getting hydrated in the morning definitely seems to help and cutting out alcohol, even the few glasses of wine I may have over the course of the week, saw me drop a quick 5lbs almost immediately. Here’s hoping it lasts!

    1. I am sure it will last Alisia and now that we have a car and I can get to the Mall and Gym I plan on dropping the weight I am looking to lose as well. As for alcohol, I don’t drink much at all but I do plan on not eating past 6 pm which will help me with my weight loss journey and no, candy which is the hardest thing for me.

  3. Rose Ann Sales

    Wow, these are great tips that need to keep in mind. I will definitely try to do this for this month, thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. Kristen Greazel

    This is all such great advice! I am trying to lose a few pounds, and I am starting to love everything in a lettuce wrap. Cutting out carbs makes a huge difference!

    1. Kristen, I didn’t think about Lettuce but will try it as I might even be able to get my son and hubby to try these items out. As for cutting our Carbs I know I need to do that but haven’t as of yet but will soon so I can lose the weight I am carrying around.

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