6 Healthy Weight Dropping Tips For Beginners

6 Healthy Weight Dropping Tips For Beginners

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

The world of weight loss has many scams, and it can be difficult to find legit advice. Search online, and you’ll come across all kinds of misleading information, most of which have no scientific backing. However, recent studies have suggested some useful and healthy ways to drop weight, especially if you’re a beginner. 

And no, you don’t need any weight-loss programs just yet. With the right insight and determination, you can save yourself time and money otherwise spent in the pursuit of unrealistic results. 

Before going any further, it’s necessary to state that a successful weight loss is based on healthy, calorie-controlled nutrition coupled with sufficient physical exercise. In other words, there are no detours on the weight loss journey; you have to be ready to make permanent and consistent changes in your daily routines and entire lifestyle. 

But how do you go about making these changes? Here are six healthy tips to get you started towards successful weight-loss. 

  1. Make Sure You’re Prepared

Photo by Liam Johnson on Unsplash

As the saying goes, “victory loves preparation.” And you’ll need to ensure that you’re well-prepared for the long-term challenge that will come your way. But how do you find out if the time is right to make these lifestyle adjustments? It begins by answering the following questions to find out if you’re ready:

  • How motivated am I to lose weight?
  • Are there other pressures distracting me?
  • Do I use food to deal with stress?
  • Am I open to using other techniques to address stress?
  • Which other support systems will I need?
  • How willing am I to adjust my eating habits?
  • How willing am I to engage in new activities?
  • Can I find time to invest in the necessary changes?

Once you manage to answer all these questions, you can confidently know the time is right. Timing is particularly vital since you’ll need to combine good sleeping habits with all these tips. If you struggle with sleep, there are several natural sleep aids for improving sleep quality. 

  1. Know Your “Why”

Losing weight comes down to you and you alone. Family and friends can’t do much to help. Therefore, you need to define your target weight and find the burning desire to remain committed to it. Ideally, you want a list of all the essential things and the benefits you expect to derive from your weight loss. Doing this will help you stay motivated over the long haul. Accountability is critical, and you need to find a way to keep on the right track. 

  1. Drink a Lot of Water

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

It’s no secret that water and weight loss are the right combinations. Besides the obvious general benefits, you need to keep yourself adequately hydrated during your weight loss journey, especially before eating. Drinking enough water will significantly improve your body’s metabolism up to 24-30% for a duration of 1 to 1.5 hours. As a result, your body will burn off some extra calories. A recent study revealed that drinking a half-liter of water 30 minutes before eating helped reduce caloric intake.

  1. Use Intermittent Fasting

For some, one way to start shedding some extra pounds is intermittent fasting. This eating pattern has risen in popularity and involves switching between periods of eating and fasting. Short-term research indicates that intermittent fasting is comparatively useful as continuous calorie reduction for weight loss. Besides, it can slow down the rate of muscle mass loss usually linked to low-calorie diets. Despite these promising studies, further and in-depth studies are required to establish intermittent fasting’s effectiveness firmly. 

  1. Limit Sugar Intake

If you’re serious about losing weight, one of the worse ingredients you can add to your daily diet is sugar. Chances are, you already overeat sugar because most people in today’s society do. Research points out that sugar intake is very likely to lead to an increased risk of obesity. Other conditions associated with sugar include heart disease and type 2 diabetes. As you start your weight loss journey, you want to reduce added sugar gradually. 

  1. Track Your Nutrition

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Finally, you need to track what and how much you eat, starting with portion control. Portion control is simply the practice of reducing the total amount of food you consume each day. You can count your calories in different ways, and there are several apps you can use to improve your awareness of what and when you eat. 


There will be days you’ll feel like giving up, but you have to remind yourself of the initial objective. For the best result, you should select and master one tip before proceeding to the next. This should help avoid burnout and the overwhelming effect of most weight loss programs. When the occasional setbacks come around, just reset, regroup, and start the following day afresh. Don’t forget, this is a long-term commitment, and you won’t notice any changes overnight. Just believe, make these tips a lifestyle, and success will follow.

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