More and more schools are pushing the starting dates back and will have kids doing lessons from home instead of entering a physical building this year.

Dixit: Daydreams Expansion

To help parents prepare I’ve been looking for resources we can use in our homes. As, I researched I was sent information from Patricia J. I would like to share.

My name is Patricia J. I’m an experienced cyclist as well as a health and fitness expert and a mother. I’m the founder of the Pedal Lovers website where I share my expertise and passion for cycling. 

One of my favorite family games is this really fun card game called “dixit”. It’s very easy to play, with incredibly artistic images drawn on each card, it’s suitable for all ages and really unleashes your imagination.

The game begins with each player taking six cards, one of the players will be assigned to be the “story teller”, this person will pick one of his six cards and not show it to anyone, then he/she will describe it with one sentence or a song or a sound. 

Now the other players will look at their cards and try to find one card that best describes what the storyteller has said, then when everyone is done picking their cards, they hand it to the storyteller to shuffle them including his/her chosen card. 

The storyteller now will deal the cards face up and everyone has to guess which card was the story teller’s, and it should be hard for them because almost every card describes what the storyteller has said. The game comes with a table of scores and how you collect points, the next round someone else gets to be the storyteller.

Later on, I found out that Dixit has many versions with different themes and different titles, like: harmonies, memories, odyssey…. etc. I found one that says on the box “a picture is worth a thousand words” and to be honest, it applied to almost all of the images that we played with.

Here is the link of the version we played with  called Dixit: Daydreams Expansion (there are many other versions) Glad to share Dixit: Daydreams Expansion with you , enjoy your evening!

Dixit Exp: Daydreams

The latest expansion to the Dixit series of Family games is Dixit Daydreams.  The release date is planned for the 4th quarter of 2014. The multi-award winning game returns with a totally new 84 card expansion: Dixit Daydreams

Embark upon Franck Dion amazing world where fringe and fantastic characters live in poetical or revisited everyday life realms. This pack will be released in a brand new format, bringing the Dixit designers to light. NOTE: As this game is an expansion pack – you must have a base game.

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Don’t forget to check out Pedal Lovers which is “The best Guide For Everything Cycling By Those Who Love Cycling The Most!”

Patricia Johnson – Founder

Patricia got into cycling as a way to lose weight and get into shape, but it became so much more than that. 

Now, Pedal Lovers is made up of a team of professionals in different fields all with a shared love of cycling.

Together, they bring you all the latest information every pedal lover need.

The Pedal Lovers team is motivated and reliable. And we’re very excited about informing people who need a trustworthy source and help to transform those who need a little nudge.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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