7 Important Things To Keep In Mind While Shifting To A New House

7 Important Things To Keep In Mind While Shifting To A New House


Moving to a new house comes with a range of physical and emotional complexities. There’s the sense of excitement and newness of it all, together with the challenges of packing and the sadness of leaving a place that houses so many special memories. While you cannot control your emotions over leaving your home, you can control the challenge that comes with packing everything in your house. Packing can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be if you note the following seven tips to make your life easier during your move.

  1. Invest in a roof rack

A roof rack may not be the first thing to come into your mind when you’re moving, but it should be. This handy tool can cut down on the trips you take from your old home to the new place. With sturdy and easily attachable roof racks you can easily carry a stainless steel camp prep table also, you can move most things yourself and cut down on the movers’ cost.

  1. Do your research

Speaking of movers, unless you plan to leave all your furniture behind, you need movers to do the heavy lifting for you. When it comes to finding the best movers, it’s critical to conduct proper research. You’re giving these people access to your favorite home décor pieces, and you want them to arrive at your new place in perfect condition. The best way to get an idea of the service you can expect is by checking customer reviews of the moving company. Ideally, the moving company should have excellent reviews throughout, with clients raving about their service and caution when moving things.

  1. Make the time to declutter

Once you have your moving strategy in place, it’s time to focus on the actual packing. But before you move things in boxes, consider making time to declutter your old house. Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, the minds behind The Minimalists blog, share helpful tips on how you can responsibly declutter your home by selling things, giving them to charity, or disposing of them in the right way. 


The rule here is to avoid bringing things you have no actual use of to the new house. For example, why would you pack clothes you haven’t worn in years to your new place? Why would you want to bring home accessories you dread having to dust every week? Decluttering not only helps cut down on packing time, but it saves you from living a cluttered lifestyle in your new home. 

  1. Allow yourself plenty of time

Even with a decluttered house, you still have plenty of things to pack, and that will take time—more than you expect. There will be days where you’ll be too tired to pack and times where you’ll go down memory lane looking at photo albums rather than putting them in boxes. Giving yourself plenty of time to pack is essential to ensure a smooth process. You can tackle packing room by room and start with the non-essentials first. 

  1. Labeling is mandatory

It will take you time to unpack things in your new home. Meanwhile, you’ll need certain essentials such as clothing and jewelry. For this reason, you must label every single box you ship out of the old house. Labeling makes it easier for you to place boxes in their assigned rooms and find the things you need when you still haven’t unpacked. 

  1. Take a page from Maria Kondo

Maria Kondo has made a name for itself as an expert organizer. While you may not like her folding style, take a page from her to pack things the right way. For starters, you can’t throw clothes haphazardly in several boxes. All you’ll end up with are wrinkled clothes you will need to fold in your new home. Save time and space in your boxes by folding things neatly. You’ll be surprised how much you can pack in one box when things are neat. 

  1. Save plastic whenever possible

Finally, turn your moving experience into an eco-friendly process by avoiding plastic whenever possible. Bubble wrap is a staple when people move because they want to keep their fragile things safe. Instead of using bubble wrap, however, consider packing fragile items with soft fabrics such as your bedding. A large duvet, blankets, coats, and scarves are excellent options to keep things like vases, photo frames, glasses, and plates safe without you having to use plastic. 

Just remember to label the box as fragile. When it comes to unpacking the items, be sure to empty them yourself as you’ll know what you packed and what you should look out for. Since we’re on the eco-friendly route, if possible, consider reusing boxes found in supermarkets and other stores rather than buying new boxes.


There you have it, seven things to make your moving experience a more positive one. If you hope to make your life easier, you can organize a packing party and get your family and friends to help out in the clearing and packing of everything. 

Author’s Bio

Rebecca Grey is a passionate writer & guest blogger. Writing helps her to improve her knowledge, skills & understanding about the specific industry. She loves writing & sharing her knowledge mostly in the Traveling Industry. She believes traveling is the key to a peaceful life & wants to spread her belief across the world. Apart from writing, She loves Traveling and Reading.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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