7 Jewelry Wearing Tips That Will Make You Look Your Best  

When you are looking to make a strong fashion statement at a party or some other function, wearing jewelry is one of the most impactful ways to make that happen. With the right silver, dressed in the right direction, you can easily stand out among other people. But how do you pick the right jewelry, and how to wear it best? If you have such doubts, then these jewelry wearing tips will help you look your best.

Don’t Wear Too Much Jewelry

Many people think that wearing too many pieces of jewelry will magically make them more attractive. No, it won’t. In fact, it can have the opposite effect – you can become the butt of jokes for many people because of how much jewelry you have and how awkward you look with them. The safest option is to wear just minimal jewelry that will accentuate your look. Limit the pieces to three or four at max.

Necklace And Neckline

When you wear jewelry, make sure that the neckline of the dress allows the chain to shine in its full glory. Scoop neck,  V-neck, and strapless necklines are best to display the gorgeous necklace you are wearing. The top you are wearing must be of a single color, and it will match very well with the chain. Making the jewelry look more enticing try out neutral tone necklaces with dark tops.

Mix The Metals

The concept of using mixed metal jewelry is something that is becoming popular with many people and is entirely against the traditional way of wearing jewelry where women strictly ensured that they just used one type of metal for all the jewelry items they wore. Today, jewelry made from gold, silver, platinum, copper, etc. are being used in combination with each other to create some attractive looks. So, if you have been wary of mixing the metals, try it out today. Who knows, you might come up with some radical ideas that can make you look more fabulous than ever before.

Mind The Trend  

You must always keep yourself abreast with the latest trends and styles of wearing jewelry. Maybe the item you wore last year to a party is no longer in direction. And using such jewelry pieces that no one is particularly crazy about definitely goes against the spirit of fashion. So, check the internet for The Most Popular Jewelry Styles of 2018 and ensure that your jewelry collection is up-to-date with the current trends. By doing so, you will always make a strong fashion statement no matter where you go.


Earrings can play a significant role in making you look good. When people approach you, they will first notice your face and the accessories you use, like a nose ring, earring, etc.  The importance of the jewelry comes from the fact that it has a substantial impact on how other people see your facial shape. Depending on the length, width, and shape of the earring you use, your face can look fat or lean. And in case you use dangling earrings, try to keep the hair not too big since it can subdue the effect of the jewelry.  

Cuff Bracelets And Bangles

Hand jewelry neglected in the past. But in recent years, pieces like cuff bracelets and bangles are getting back on every woman’s radar. Cuff bracelets are excellent in case you want to make a strong statement about yourself. The extensive piece of jewelry creates an impression of strength and royalty. You can also use bangles instead of cuff bracelets in case you opt for a softer look. And instead of using just a single bangle, consider wearing multiple bangles in one hand. But try to use a maximum of only six bracelets. Anything more than that can come across as excessive.

Matching Necklace And Earrings

The question of whether to match the look of earrings and necklaces often sparks intense debates between fashion enthusiasts. While some will say that matching these two pieces of jewelry is ideal, others stress that such synchronicity is not at all necessary. In the end, it depends on what kind of look you wish to pull off. If you are aiming for a classy, feminine look, then going with a matching earring and necklace is recommended. But if you want to project yourself as hip and wild, then you can use different colors and styles for these two jewelry pieces.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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