7 Ways To Motivate Your Kids To Stay Active

7 Ways To Motivate Your Kids To Stay Active

Group Of Children Playing Football With Friends In Park

With technology continuing to advance each day, convenience has never been closer right at your fingertips. While convenience is beneficial in certain situations, the general population often takes advantage of it as they slowly grow lax over time. Given they’re still developing, children being inactive at this age could easily stunt their growth or compromise their well-being.

On top of technology, they have other things on their plates that prevent them from engaging in regular physical activity, such as busy school schedules or keeping up with their peers. That’s why child enrichment falls into your hands. Since kids these days are always busy with something, it’s up to parents and other adult role models to keep them active.  

That said, here are some viable ways to encourage kids to stay active:

  1. Learn Their Interests

It’s easy for children to be bored when forced to do something they don’t want to. Even if there’s a reward waiting for them at the end, that strategy doesn’t work on some children, especially if they’re not enjoying it. Without their positive reception, any attempts at motivating them to do physical activities will go down the drain. 

The best way to grab their attention is by including their interests. Having an understanding of their preferences will assist you in planning an activity that is perfect for them. If your child is a gamer, you should seek for games requiring physical activity as part of the gameplay. Use their interests to your advantage to motivate them better.

  1. Be Involved

Learning the ins and outs of how your kids think is often challenging for most parents. Because despite their age, children have all kinds of personalities that make them unique from one another. Once they reach adolescence, what you previously believed was a challenge might get worse, putting strain on your relationships.

But don’t let it discourage you from becoming involved, either for motivation or otherwise. Make the most of this opportunity to connect with your children since they’re social creatures who yearn for companionship. Participating in their physical activities is a great way to bond with them and inspire them to keep going.

  1. Limit Screen Time

Too much screen time often stimulates the brain to the point of addiction, leading to inactivity. After all, a few minutes can eventually escalate into hours with so much activity on the screens. Since children should use their time effectively, establish a timetable for how long they may use their electronic devices, especially during mealtimes and bedtimes. Doing this relaxes their cognitive functions, enabling them to recharge properly.

  1. Encourage Them To Stay Hydrated

Water has countless benefits for human biology since it contains nutrients that nourish the body while stimulating different bodily functions. Given how much children push their bodies to engage in physical activities, drinking water will benefit them, as opposed to carbonated drinks. Because despite how most of them are carbonated, consuming too much sugar will affect your child’s body without hydrating them.

  1. Make A Schedule

Children have a better shot at staying motivated once they get used to it. Schedule their daily routine to encourage children to develop a habit of physical activity. On top of that, you can plan in case something disrupts their routine. 

  1. Adopt A Pet

Most children have likely begged their parents for a household pet. Whether they’re as small as a hamster or as large as a horse, they all encourage their owners to be more active. Typically, children are more likely to be motivated by energetic animal companions, particularly dogs. Nevertheless, children can utilize this opportunity to be physically active.

Like dogs, active pets are your kids’ ideal exercise partners. Because not only are they lively and energetic, but they also enhance the emotional well-being of their owners. The combination of these two factors is a vital component of motivating children.

However, for those who don’t prefer active animals consider adopting small critters or cold-blooded reptiles as their pet. Because even though they’re not accompanying your child, purchasing the things they need still requires activity, especially if they’re only bought at the local shop. Additionally, this instills a sense of responsibility in the child, which boosts their confidence. 

  1. Be A Role Model

Children are curious. However, their curiosity is often not enough to urge them to act. Instead, they wait for someone else to do it first. That’s why parents must take the initiative. Ensure that the plans you have for your child fit your schedule. This way, you can be active alongside them to motivate them even further.  


Being active encourages children to stay in top shape. After all, moving their entire bodies benefits their physical and mental health. However, with so many factors deterring them from staying active, keeping them motivated would be challenging. That’s why parents must know how to motivate them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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