Ultimate Blog Challenge January 18th, 2023 UBC

Welcome to our newest post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 18th, 2023 #UBC. This morning’s prompt asked us about our “Childhood Dreams“. I know this is going to be said to say but I honestly don’t remember much of my childhood. I do know it was a good one and that I had good parents.

Other than that thought its all a haze but then as I was sitting her in front of the computer I started to think back to working in my dad’s typewriter shop. Riding my bike with my friends and attending school. As well as spending time in Church. I could hear in the back of my mind me saying no, I’m never getting married or having children.

Which I am so glad I didn’t follow through on because I wouldn’t have had Suzzane or Charlie. As for what I wanted to be when I grew up was a librarian and if I could have my dream job as a adult it would still be something to do with books. Although I would like to own my own book and board game store in a Tea House or restaurant.

Even though its hard to work with family or friends at times I know exactly who I would hire and what job I would want them to do. I would let me friends who own there own businesses to set up to showcase there products. I would have Authors come and read. As well as lots of activities for Homeschoolers.

Now, I just need to win the lottery.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

2 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge January 18th, 2023 UBC”

  1. Glenda, your dream sounds great! There are a number of places where multiple shop stalls are under one roof. To get familiar with the business aspects, have you thought of working in a bookstore or tea house/coffee house for a year, while you formulate your plans? Startup grants are sometimes available. All the best to you–

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