How CBD Can Make Travel Easy For Travelers With Chronic Pain

How CBD Can Make Travel Easy For Travelers With Chronic Pain

Traveling is a fun and relaxing time where you have to be physically fit and mentally stress-free to enjoy it to the fullest. Being physically active helps you travel with ease and explore the places without depending on anyone. Unfortunately, many people suffer from headaches, back pain, or joint pain, making their journey miserable. The pain can be due to an injury or illness.

If not treated, pain can worsen, leading to chronic conditions. People carry medications to prevent and control pain. But these medications can adversely affect your sleep quality, which also aggravates the pain. You can try CBD to alleviate pain. So, let’s first understand what CBD is. 

What is CBD?

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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural component discovered in the cannabis plant. It has many therapeutic properties and is non-intoxicating in nature. After the legalization of cannabis in many US states, CBD has been sweeping the health and wellness industry. 

CBD can help improve immunity, fight digestive issues, alleviates anxiety, and reduce pain. A standard method of consuming CBD is as an oil. Manufacturing of CBD oil involves diluting CBD with a carrier oil like olive oil. Other than CBD oil, it is available in gummies and creams that make it more comfortable to use. This article will discuss how CBD can help with chronic pain to make your travel comfortable. 

So, here are the five ways CBD fights travel pain and discomforts.

1. Chronic pain

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If you are suffering from chronic pain like arthritis, Lyme disease, or fibromyalgia, doing simple tasks can also be very painful. It can be daunting for a traveler suffering from chronic pain to sit for long hours on cramped seats. CBD can help with chronic pain management. As per 2018 review, CBD effectively reduced various pain types like neuropathic pain (caused during multiple sclerosis and herniated discs) and cancer pain. You can even assist your treatment with Magic Mushrooms Canada since the fungi-looking substance has therapeutic properties.

2. Joint Inflammation

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Traveling can be extra tricky when you have joint issues like osteoarthritis. Sitting still for long hours while traveling leads to poor blood circulation causing swelling, leading to joint inflammation. The are various medications in the form of injections that help reduce joint pains, but they can also cause nerve damage. An alternative to fight joint inflammation is CBD that reduces joint pain without any potential risk of nerve damage.

A 2016 experiment conducted in rats with arthritis revealed that applying CBD gel reduced overall joint soreness and pain. The researchers observed that a hefty dosage of 6.2 mg/day of CBD aided minimize discomfort and swelling in rats. CBD cream’s topical application can provide speedy relief from pain by combining with the endocannabinoid system’s skin receptors. Thus, CBD can let travelers with joint issues travel with ease.

3. Migraine pain

Traveling consists of many factors that can trigger migraine attacks. Whether you travel by car, bus, train, or plane, you can still be vulnerable to stress, disturbed sleep cycle, jet lag, bright lights, loud noises, dehydration, and hunger. These forces can trigger migraine attacks in people who do not get them frequently. Exacerbated migraines during traveling can ruin your entire trip. 

CBD oil can be efficient migraine therapy. As per the American Migraine Foundation, cannabidiol can prevent migraines in people with joint and muscle pain. It also helps prevent nausea and vomiting, which are common symptoms of a migraine.

CBD operates by altering the brain receptors that play their part in pain and swelling. According to a 2016 report, medical cannabis can lessen the incidence of migraine problems. Thus, CBD can aid in alleviating migraine pain and allow you to travel comfortably.

4. Injuries and Wounds

Skin infections caused by an injury or wound is painful and need treatment. Wounds can grow into pus if not treated well. Diabetes is another reason for the delayed healing of wounds. People with diabetes have slow healing power, making travel challenging for them. 

Studies report that CBD has antifungal and antibacterial characteristics that speed up the recovery time and treat the infection. Most times, traveling causes painful blisters that require topical treatment. Using CBD for these wounds create a protective barrier around the skin while helping the skin recover soon. Additionally, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce conditions of diabetes. Studies prove that CBD can reduce insulin resistance and moderate sugar levels, thus controlling diabetes.

5. Sleeplessness

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Sleep is essential to cure pain. A minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep can minimize the severity of pain. Reports show that if you have a poor sleep, your pain can worsen the next day. It affects your travel plans and spoils the entire day. Moreover, sleep deprivation can hamper both physical and mental agility. It can aggravate anxiety and stress in many people. Many times the medications prescribed for pain relief meddles with your sleep cycle. CBD, on the contrary, helps ease the pain while helping you sleep better. 

CBD, when consumed in lower doses or applied topically, helps heal wounds and reduce pain. It has a sedative effect on the body that enables you to sleep peacefully. But if you are suffering from jet lag or sleeplessness that worsens the pain, consuming CBD can help calm your brain for a peaceful sleep. 

As per a 2019 research, a dose of 25 mg of CBD helped reduce people’s anxiety and enhanced sleep quality. Another review recommended that CBD mitigates pain that helped improve sleep. There are various ways of consuming CBD like gummies, tinctures, and CBD oil. Try different CBD forms to find the right ways that suit you best.


Traveling can be made comfortable with CBD’s help. However, you must check the laws and guidelines for traveling with CBD and CBD products in your country. The laws might be different in different countries, so knowing the rules can prevent you from trouble on the way. If you are yet to try CBD, check with an expert for insights on the same. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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