A Cosy Interior For Those Long Scandinavian Nights

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The purpose of hygge is to get people through the long Scandinavian winter nights, which can last 24 hours in more northerly regions. Making interiors that can help you thrive no matter what the seasons throw at you is essential for enabling you to enjoy your home. 

But what does a cosy interior for long Scandinavian nights look like? That’s the topic of this post. We look at how to manage days on end of darkness (or near-darkness) so you can continue to thrive all winter long. 

Use The Fireplace As A Focal Point

If the sun refuses to rise during the winter where you are (or barely gets above the horizon), you can substitute it with the fireplace. While the light won’t quite be the same, adding fire to your interior environment can be a great way to mark the difference between night and day. Plus, even if you do get some sunshine where you are, you can use it for warmth. 

Make sure you arrange all the seating around the fireplace to make it pleasant for people. Don’t put armchairs too close to avoid burning, but keep them at just the right distance. You can also try adding seasonal items to the mantelpiece to get you into the festive spirit at this time of the year. 

Add Candles And Lamps

You can also try adding more candles and lamps for ambient lighting in your rooms. Again, these can make up for the lack of natural light and help you feel like you’re in a cosy grotto, even when there’s snow all around. 

Don’t put harsh lighting overhead. Instead, look for ways to make it feel more intimate. (You can also place sun lamps in the corner if you want to recreate the natural light of the sun in your rooms. You can put them on a dimmer if they are too bright). 

Insulate Your Drywall

Drywall is incredibly popular in Scandi interiors, offering a beautiful, minimalist finish. However, if you’re trying to make it through some long nights, then adding insulation behind it is essential. You want to keep all the warmth from the fire in the room. 

Companies like All Seasons Energy, recommend cavity wall insulation for homes exposed to wintry environments. These walls have an air gap that can be filled with insulating material to keep more heat in your home. 

Add Some Finishing Touches

When it comes to making it through long nights, it also helps to add some meaningful finishing touches to your interiors. Adding books, family photos, and plants can make a tremendous difference in how your rooms feel. 

Make sure you pick items that have sentimental value to you. Ensure that being in your living room feels like being at home, not just spending time in an Airbnb. 

Layer Textiles

Finally, you can also add cosiness by layering textiles, including rugs, pillows, and throws. Adding plenty of hygge-related materials, like linen and cotton can make a tremendous difference in how your rooms feel. 

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