Albertsons make grocery shopping a breeze!!!

David and I finally made it to Albertsons that other day to get our grocery shopping done and I am so glad we chose them. I had looked at the ad online and knew most of the things we would be buying. But once we arrived, we found so many other items on sale that we were able to stock up on and I needed to do as I was out of so many things.

One of the things I purchased was Del Monte vegetables for 69 cents. I was able to buy more at this price that I had originally planned on which was good as it helped us save money as well as stock up so when we have company we have extra food and can fix dinner and not worry about not having enough.

I wish my mom were here as I purchased several cans of English Peas and I could have fixed her some Pea Salad which she loves. Or if my grandmother was here, I could have asked her to make me some Creamed Peas as they are my favorite. Without either of them being her though I will just fix them in some butter as they are Charlie’s favorite vegetable.

I also was able to stock up on laundry soap as they had Purex on sale and we all know how expensive laundry soap can be. This will help me when Charlie goes back to school as he goes through more clothes then as he has to change into play clothes when he returns from school

.Another item David and I made sure and stocked up on and will be returning to the store today to get some more before it goes off sale is the Nestle Pure Life water as it is half off the regular price. I like having these on hand when we have parties as well as when we are taking Charlie swimming and stuff as we can take one and it last us all day. This saves us money as we do not have to buy when we are out and about.

Once we finish the water, we turn them into Piggy Banks and Charlie decorates them and gives them out as gifts at Christmas time. My mother n law still has one Charlie made her when he was only 1. So if you have children then pick some up and turn them into some fun crafts once they empty.

Once we checked out as we found we had saved close to $40 dollars and this was without coupons. So just imagine if I had used coupons. As I would have saved so much more. All in all, this was a huge success.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David


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