August Was The Hardest Month For Me

I would like to share something I let slide right past and I shouldn’t have. I should have take David and Charlie out to dinner as it wouldn’t have happened without my family. You see August 28 was my blogging anniversary. The day I went out on a limb and decided I could create my own blog. Did I know what I was doing or what it would entail no,  I didn’t. Although I knew I needed to do something if I had planned on being a at home mom.

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This was in August of 2007. It’s hard to believe it has been 10 years. Did I think it would last 10 years no, I didn’t. Now did I ever think my family would have all the opportunities the lord has brought into our lives through the Blog. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord for guiding me on this journey. As well as my friends and family. I am so happy I am where I am today.

No, I haven’t gotten everything I would like to have gotten but I haven’t given up on those dreams. I know through the people and companies I work with one day I will make my goals and if not it’s okay as it wasn’t Gods will. I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and work hard to become the blogger I would like to be and to gain the followers I would like to have. As well as to garner new opportunities including trips I would like to take.

I would like to say thank you to the followers I have gained as well as the friends I have made on this journey because without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. There is no stopping my family and together through Gods grace I know I will provide a place for other families to come and visit.

I would like to let you know I didn’t think about sharing my accomplishment with you my mother had passed away in August 5 years ago. That is so hard to believe on the 25th of August which was Charlies first year in school. He would be going to Kindergarten but missed the first day for my mom’s funeral. On that day we was at my dad’s and Charlie had already been in school a week.  I didn’t think about it being the day my mom passed away.

When my sister texted me to ask if I had picked up flowers for my mom and I let her know I hadn’t and that I couldn’t as I was at our dad’s visiting. Then she reminded me it was the day my mom passed and I felt like the wind had been knocked out of my sails. I venture onto Facebook and it reminds me its my blogging anniversary and I get notices from Linkedin with people congratulating me.

That is when I should have taken the time to thank everyone but I didn’t and I would like to apoligize to you all as well as my family. Because there is no, excuse for being rude and I was rude.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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