Be Nice. The End. – Simple Wisdom of the Playground Kids

This is a review for the book Be Nice. The End. – Simple Wisdom of the Playground Kids which is written by co-authors Wendy Kieffer Shragg and Bryan Skavnak. who sent me a copy of the book for this review.

BeNiceTheEnd book cover-birme17.jpg

The other day my sister brough Lily and Jason over to play Basketball with Charlie. Lily didn’t want to play with the basketball with the boys and asked to go to the Park. Since Debbie and I needed to walk we said that was fine. As we were walking off Charlie said mom I need to talk to you.

Charlie walked up and said make sure you watch Lily because the last time I was at the Park bigger kids was picking on little kids. I asked Charlie what happened and he said the big kids was calling the smaller kids names and taking the swings away from them.

I asked Charlie what he did about this and he said he gathered the small kids and they raced and played on the slides. Until the big kids came over and tried to take the slides over. Then Charlie sent the smaller kids home because there parents weren’t with them.

I was so proud of Charlie and as we walked to the park I shared Be Nice. The End. – Simple Wisdom of the Playground Kids wiht Lily. Then we talked about why these kids might be acting like this and how we could change there attitude. Lily reminded me the kids might be treated like this at home or they might not have any friends.

I let Lily know she could be right. We continued on to the Park and when we arrived no, one was there and she could do anything she wanted. But as time went on little kids arrived and Lily found a few kids to play with. I went to walk and as I rounded the corner I saw the bigger kids arriving.

They walked up to the swings and tried to take the swing from Lily but instead Lily asked them if they would like to swing and she would push them and read a book to them. I was so proud of Lily as all the smaller kids gathered around. The bigger kids laughed and said you can’t push me I am to big.

Lily looked them in the eye and said I can do anything I put my mind to and that is why I would like to push you. Before we left the Park all the kids were playing together and talking about the book and how kindness can change things.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to read Be Nice. The End. – Simple Wisdom of the Playground Kids and to share the book with your children I hope you do soon because not only will it change your thoughts but your childrens as well. Teaching them about kindness not only at a park but in life as well.


It’s written by co-authors Wendy Kieffer Shragg and Bryan Skavnak. She’s a grandmother and an abstract artist and he is the father of two young kids and a youth golf coach.  The two are an unlikely pair.

But someone who knew both of them saw a connection and thought that they should talk.
That they did, and over the summer (2021) they wrote a book – virtually – meeting face-to-face for the first time just 
before they published the book.

The book is the marriage of Wendy’s captivating renderings of children’s faces coupled with Bryan’s inspirational messages, and it was inspired by the authors’ own shared childhood challenges and experiences.

Sometimes collaboration can be easy.

Just like kindness.

But you may never know unless you just go for it.

In March of 2020, a mutual friend suggested to Wendy that she check out Bryan’s Instagram feed. She loved what she saw. Bryan was sharing posts about the importance of things like kindness and acceptance and courage. Wendy instantly knew that these words could have come directly from the mouths of the Playground Kids she had created. 

She was curious. How had he forged his path as a golf instructor to now reach people with these honest and simple words of wisdom? She reached out to Bryan. They had a delightful conversation where Bryan shared the story of how he developed “Be The Nice Kid”. 

Six months later, with a hopeful attitude, Wendy reached back out to Bryan with a simple question: “Want to write a book? My images, your words.”

Without hesitation, he answered with a resounding, “Yes!”.

Their collaboration began to share the innocence and thoughtfulness of the Playground Kids with the world. Kindness and goodness and inclusion come in all forms. They both felt they wanted to bring their unique perspectives together and create something special.

Throughout the next months, many meetings of the minds took place. They began to seamlessly fit together what they saw as timeless lessons for kids and adults. Wendy, with her beautiful images, and Bryan, with his thoughtful words, were a perfect match. An artistic endeavor with an important message.

Whether you’re an adult, a child, or reconnecting with your inner child, this book will take you on a journey of discovery. It will remind you that you are unique and who you are is not only okay, but somebody to celebrate. The hope is that it becomes a staple in homes, schools, clinics, and anywhere else it’s important to share and discuss the simple wisdom of the Playground Kids.

When it comes right down to it, we are all Playground Kids. And we can all be nice kids.

Playground Kids + Nice Kids = Be Nice. The End.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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