Food Holidays: April 15th, 2022

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: April 15th, 2022. I don’t know about were you are but its hotter than hatties here. Even though its National Chcolate Chip Day if I was going to do Cookies I would purchase them instead of baking because it would keep the house cooler and with this headache I have I can’t handle the heat. Would you like to come visit and could you pick up Chocolate Chip Cookies for us and before you ask I have Milk.

National Chocolate Chip Day

Image result for national chocolate chip day

We might not know which came first the Chicken, or the Egg but when it comes to Chocolate Chips and their namesake Cookie, the history is well-documented, and it might not be what you think. Did you know Chocolate Chips actually came after the Chocolate Chip Cookie, and despite their ubiquity, Chocolate Chips are likely younger than your grandmother because Chocolate Chips were first marketed in 1940!. Legend has it that the Chocolate Chip Cookie was a happy accident, born when a Baker ran out of Baker’s Chocolate and opted for Semi-sweet instead.

The recipe spread like Wildfire, and after a few years of selling their Semi-sweet Chocolate Bars with a chopping tool for chunking of the bar, Nestlé went one step further by introducing Chocolate “Morsels” to the world. With such a history, and with so much mass appeal, it’s no surprise that this kitchen delight deserves celebration, and that’s why, on May 15th, we’ve got National Chocolate Chip Day.


  1. Chefs know how to use tried-and-true flavor combinations to great effect, but the best Chefs create new combinations altogether. Try using Chocolate Chips in a dinner recipe for a real challenge. If you’re looking for a place to start, you might consider trying a Mole recipe.
  2. You probably won’t approach the world record, but National Chocolate Chip Day is the perfect occasion to try your hand at baking the biggest Chocolate Chip Cookie possible.
  3. With a mix of Chocolate Chips, M&Ms, and similarly-sized Chocolate Candies, you’re well on your way to a kid-friendly edible art project! This can get messy, though, so it’s probably a project best suited for the kitchen!


  1. Chocolate Chips might have been created with one purpose in mind, but Chocolate Chips have branched out since their early days as Cookie-fillers. Nowadays, it’s hard to think up a confection that hasn’t had Chocolate Chips added, including Pancakes, Muffins, and Ice Cream Sundaes.
  2. Chocolate Chips that eventually found their way into the classic Chocolate Chip Cookie are made of Semi-sweet Chocolate, but in keeping with the times, Chocolate Chips now come in differnt varities. Including White Chocolate, to Dark Chocolate, and Caramel. Ensuring that, no matter what you’re baking, there’s a place for a Chocolate Chips!
  3. Everyone loves Chocolate Chip Cookies, no matter the size. Chcolate Chip Cookies could be small as long as there’s enough Chocolare Chip Cookies to have more than one! Or Chocolate Chip Cookies could be massive, as in the case of Immaculate Baking’s 40,000 pound Guinness Record breaker, but regardless of size, Chcolate Chips are sure to draw a crowd. The fact that Chocolate Chips were used to break the record of world’s largest Cookie is only a testament to their universality, and it’s safe to say that Chcolare Chips always have a space on the shelf of any baker.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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