Benefits Of Orthotics

1. Foot Pain Relief

According to research, more than 75% of Americans often suffer foot-related pain at some point in life. Most of these issues start as minor/negligible pain, which, however, gets worse over time. The good news is that the pain/condition can be managed, at least when handled early. If you have been having discomfort, pains, and aches, going for an orthotic from the Orthotic Shop might help. Orthotics can help manage many conditions, including: 

1. Plantar Fasciitis: This is one of the most common conditions today, commonly characterized by sharp, shooting pain in the heel. Plantar fasciitis is usually a result of inflamed tissues connecting your toes to the heel. Although the pain may reduce as the day passes, having ill-fitting shoes can worsen it. 

2. Heel Spurs: This condition is quite common with individuals that engage in lots of footwork, e.g., walking, jumping, and hiking. It is a result of too much calcium being formed/deposited underneath the heel, which makes walking uncomfortable and painful. The calcium deposition may occur within a period of weeks or even months, depending on various factors. Although OTC painkillers may help with the pain, these do not address the main problem. 

3. Arthritis: Arthritis is a condition commonly caused by the wearing away of articular cartilage in/between the joints. The result of worn-out cartilage is reduced motion, which can be particularly painful.

4. Bunions: Bunions are commonly considered a genetic abnormality characterized by painful protrusions on your toes. The condition may be worsened by wearing too tight or uncomfortable shoes. Choosing the right and fitting footwear is one of the best ways to prevent this condition.

5. Bursitis: Bursitis is a common condition that occurs as a result of trauma-related foot injuries, whereby sacks of fluid start developing around the joints. Although you might want to see a doctor or physician when/if this happens, orthotics can help manage and treat these conditions. Orthotics are generally recommended for individuals recovering from foot-related injuries. 

2. Workout Advantages

Orthotics will prove beneficial if you lead an active lifestyle and work out a lot. One thing about orthotics is that they are specially designed to keep your feet comfortable and balanced even in extreme conditions. While they may not seem necessary for your workout sessions, simply having these on can help boost your performance in the field and the gym. Here are a few ways orthotics can be beneficial when working out: 

i. Improve overall balance: Orthotics help improve your overall foot balance, especially in athletic performances. This is because they are designed to help correct foot imperfections that could impact balance when on the track. With improved stability, you can be sure to push your feet for better sets and reps. 

ii. Reduce Fatigue: Having the right shoes or orthotics can help improve your performance while reducing workout fatigue. This medical-grade footwear can make a huge difference, especially when undertaking rigorous training. 

iii. Better Shock Absorption: Soft landing is always an issue when pushing your body to the limit, especially in exercises involving leaps, jumps, and quick dashes. Although you might be comfortable with how high you can jump, you should always be concerned about a safe landing. Our feet aren’t exactly designed to absorb extreme amounts of shock, a reason those that try, suffer heel spurs. Orthotics, however, do help improve shock absorption, lessening the load on your vitals, hence better performance on the track. 

Most professional athletes and casual enthusiasts invest in the best orthotics they can afford. While orthotics may not directly boost your performance, they make it possible to push yourself to the limit without risking injuries. Take a look at the range at Orthotic Shop.

3. Improved Joint Protection

Most people are oblivious to the risks that come with high-performance athletics, falling objects, and accidents. Even landing on your feet from a fairly high ground increases the risk of breaking bones or dislocation. Foot joints are the most vulnerable when it comes to sports and various types of accidents. A wrong step can force you to be bedridden for a few weeks or even months before you can be on your feet again. This is one risk most athletes don’t want to take; hence invest in orthotics. Other benefits of orthotics include: 

i. Prevent injuries: Orthotics from the Orthotic Shop can help protect you against minor fractures, sprains, and a number of foot-related injuries. In other words, they are the ‘safety belt’ that reduces the risk of injuries, especially from unexpected accidents. 

ii. Post-surgery recovery:  Some accidents are unavoidable, leading to broken or dislocated feet. Many doctors recommend orthotics for patients recovering from a leg, foot, or ankle surgery, and with good reason. Orthotics provide the foot with adequate support to facilitate a fast and full recovery. 

iii. Workplace safety: Although most workplaces are considerably safe, accidents can happen when you least expect them. This can be anything from a missed step to sliding. Orthotics can come in handy should you slide or skip a step. 

Our bones weaken and even become brittle as we age. Joints, too, will wear down as muscles weaken, leaving you more vulnerable to injuries. Having the right and appropriate footwear can help reduce the risk of injuries by a significant margin. Health experts and physicians thus recommend getting orthotics if or over 40 years of age.

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