Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Sago Box: Space Explorer & Fairy Tales

I would like to share our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Sponsor Sago Box: Space Explorer and Fairy Tales in exchange for this review.

Sago Box Space Explorer

Ready for liftoff? Learn about our solar system as you explore the stars!

Expect each box to be stuffed to the brim with make-and-play activities and surprises designed to teach modern skills to preschoolers. In addition to the activities, every box comes with a collectible figurine of one of our beloved characters and letters to read aloud to your child. 

Fairy Tales

Storytelling and pretend play rule the day. Reenact classic fairy tales or create your own!

Expect each box to be stuffed to the brim with make-and-play activities and surprises designed to teach modern skills to preschoolers. In addition to the activities, every box comes with a collectible figurine of one of our beloved characters and letters to read aloud to your child. 


Nurture imagination with the power of play

Unbox a playdate with interactive building toys for kids 3-5.

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