Blogging from A to Z APRIL 2016 Challenge Letter K

Well look we have made it to Blogging from A to Z April/(2016) Challenge Letter K And for Charlie K stands for kites. And he loves watching kites fly up in the air. And it isn’t something we have done. Because as a child I couldn’t ever get a kite up in the air. And so knowing this I haven’t ever done it with Charlie.

But now that we are teaching Charlie I have been thinking we need to get some kites as we can use them in school. And I am sure if I looked online I could even find out hot to make a kite instead of purchasing one. And I think David would help Charlie with that if I asked him to.

And then we could visit the park as a family and have a Picnic and fly kites. As well as just spend time together as a family. Which we need to do more of. Especially since David isn’t working right now. Because with David looking for a job we do not know what days or hours he would be working. So we need to fit in as much family time as we can.

A to Z Challenge Letter K

And I asked Charlie if there was other things he liked that started with the Letter K and he says Karate and Kickboxing. And I am hopping that we can get Charlie signed up for Karate  soon as I know he would like it a lot. And he would be able to protect himself from the kids that was Bullying him in public school.

And if you ask me what I like that begins with the Letter K I would say Quiche. But I am not sure either David or Charlie would eat it with me. But I need to make one one day and see. As there is such a huge variety that there should be something for everyone.

And both Charlie and I love Kool Aid and it is one of our favorite drinks especially in the Summer. But we have been none to drink it all year round. And I also like making Pop-cycles out of Kool Aid for Charlie.

And now I have a question for you what do you like that begins with the Letter K and why did you chose that item? And also what item does your children like that begins with the K and why did they chose that?

Blogging from A to Z April/(2016) Challenge Letter K

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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