#Boneless CrayPlay SuperStreet Skate Park

Charlie is going on 15 this year and it seems like he has been playing with the Boneless Skateboards forever and he still does at times. Although Charlie doesn’t like to admit it because he thinks he’s grown. But you will see the Skateboards on his Gaming Table.

When my nephew Jason comes over they play with them while playing Video Games. The sad part is I didn’t know there were Skate Parks we could purchase to use with the Skateboards. Or I would have purchased them as Birthday Gifts for Charlie.

When I opened the box from Boneless and took out Boneless CrayPlay SuperStreet Skate Park I couldn’t wait to play with the Skateboard Park. Charlie say me taking everything out of the box. Charlie kept saying let me see it. Let me see it. LOL

Finally we sat down at the kitchen table and begin playing. Next thing I knew David was asking to play with us as well. As we had the figures doing more and more tricks I could see Charlie getting more and more excited. Later that afternoon Charlie even asked to go to our Storage to get his Skateboard as he wanted to practice some of the tricks these characters were doing.

For my family that is a Godsend as Charlie is Homeschooled and needed a PE course but didn’t want to go outside at all. But thanks to #Boneless I can’t keep Charlie inside or off the phone talking to his friends about the Super Street Skate Park.

Charlie reminded me the fence was like what used to come with his WWE Wrestlers and he could use the fence with them until we was able to get them out of Storage. Giving Charlie more than one way to play with the Skateboard as Charlie said the Wrestlers could do some of these tricks which I can’t wait to see.

Remember if you purchase this set remember you will need too purchase the Skater and Skateboard separately as there not included in the package. Also you will need batteries. So don’t do like I did and give the package to the kids without seeing what all you need so they can play. Or you will have one unhappy camper. Or at least I did.

Charlie and my nephew Jason tried to tell my niece Lily these toys are for boys and girls can’t play. What they don’t know is there is a girl skater named Mis and Lily’s Birthday Party is this week so I plan on purchasing Mia so she can play with the guys.

#Boneless is a line of incredible electric-powered, mini stunt skateboards with hyper-poseable skaters and crazy stunt playsets. #Boneless CrayplayTM set lets skaters ride, slide, grind, spin and flip their way through the park. Skate around, slam into the fence, and ricochet off. Rip over the All-Way Ramp, or onto the Warp Rider Vert Ramp, and go for a 360 flip! Get ready for some seriously EPIC FAILS, but keep trying ‘til you #StickTheTrick!

Features my family liked the most:

  • Easy to assemble, adjustable fencing allows for different configurations kids can do without parental help.
  • Charlie loves all the Graffiti Stickers and can’t wait to decorate everything.
  • Lily and Jason held a contest to show how there skater could slam into the fence and ricochet off while remaining on the skateboard.
  • Charlie has been trying to figure out how to Demonstrate a 360 flip on the Warp Rider Vert Ramp using theTips and Tricks sheet which he also wants to learn to do on his own skateboard.
  • I liked how there is enough room in the fenced in area for more than one child to play and no, one is left behind.

If not they can do like Charlie said he wanted to do and email his videos to bonelessskateboarders@gmail.com to post on Social Media. SUCCESS TIPS

  • Set up Sk8Prk on a nonporous surface or the suction cups won’t stick. 
  • Press down suction cups. If they don’t stick, try wetting them a bit with your fingertips. 
  • Getting your skater to skate into the Warp Rider Vert Ramp can be challenging. Try it from close up first. Make sure to keep the directional SWITCH UP. 

Available at Target and www.SkateBoneless.com 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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