#Boneless Super-Charged Mini Toy Stunt Skateboard with Poseable Skater – Booker

I would like to introduce you to Boneless Super-Charged Mini Toy Stunt Skateboard with Poseable Skater – Booker which I was sent to review.

In the set I received were three Skateboard figures. I let Charlie choose which one he wanted out of the two boys because I was keeping the girls for myself. So I could play with Charlie at home when his friends weren’t over. Charlie decided he would like to have Booker.

I thought he choose him because of the red shirt he had on. But I was wrong Charlie said he liked his shoes better. Which I should have guessed since Charlie is obsessed with shoes. Also, Charlie said he liked the collectable deck that is pink and has a monster’s tug sticking out better than the other figures.

Charlie was surprised to find the Skateboard is motorized and only takes 15 seconds to charge. While all his other Skateboards have to be pushed and can’t do the tricks he can do with this one. I wish you could have seen all the poses Charlie put his Booker into.

If I had done half of these poses I wouldn’t be able to work for a week. As the kids played there parents asked them if the kids was missing anything. All three of them said they should have had helmets and knee pads on so they would always be safe. Which is a new lesson for Charlie in our Homeschool Physical Education Class.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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