#Boneless Super-Charged Mini Toy Stunt Skateboard with Poseable Skater – Mia

I would like to share #Boneless Super-Charged Mini Toy Stunt Skateboard with Poseable Skater – Mia I received in exchange for this review.

As soon as I saw Mia I knew she would lead to many new adventure with Charlie as we would be able to play with the Skateboards together. Although, I was nice this morning when I went to share my toys with Jason I did let Lily play with Mia so she didn’t have to sit out and watch the boys. Which wouldn’t have been a lot of fun.

Lily is so funny and enjoyed playing with the Skateboard some but she liked having Mia pose in different poses. Then she discussed her outfit with me and asked if we could make her some more clothes. Or if her Barbie clothes would fit her. What can I say other than kids will be kids. LOL

Charlie and Jason tried to talk Lily out of her collectable deck which was blue and Lily wouldn’t let them have it. Because she said he wants to collect all of them. Lily remined me pink is her favorite color and that she loved the wheels on Mia Skateboard as they were her favorite shade of pink.

My sister Debbie said she liked Mia’s shirt with the Star on it. Then she asked the kids if she should get a Skateboard so she would have a new way to exercise and should could practice with Mia until she learned how to do all the tricks Mia does and the kids thought that seeing Mimi on a Skateboard would be hilarious. While I think it would be dangerours.

My nephew David who used to be good at Skateboarding as a Teenager wanted to know why these toys weren’t out when he was little. Jason said because they didn’t have Skateboards when the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Not funny Jason…

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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