Bones Academy Starts Teaching Multipication

Bones Academy Starts Teaching Multiplication

Educents Superhero Multipication and Division April 4th

Yes, you heard that right this week Charlie will be learning multiplication. As Bones Academy starts teaching multiplication this week. And I am Proud to say Charlie already knows his o’s, 1’s and 2’s and it only took a day for him to learn them.

So I am anxious to see how he does on the 3’s this week. As this is what we will be focusing on. And the packet I will be using to teach Charlie Multiplication is from Educents. And it is the Super Hero pack as I know how much Charlie loves Super Hero’s and he would like this set.

So I thought you might like to check it out as well. And no, it isn’t a freebie from Educents but the Super Hero Multiplication  and Division package is only $6 so it isn’t that expensive. And this is a package you can use again and again.

So here is some information on this package.

Do your kids like super hero movies, like Big Hero 6? They will LOVE these printable math worksheets that incorporate multiplication, division and word problems with a fun super hero theme!

I would like to remind you if you make a purchase using the links in this post that I will make a small percentage off the sales. As I am a affiliate for Educents. And it is how this blog stays up and running.

Educents Affiliate Contest

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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