Charlie and I love Minions from Despicable Me


Charlie and I love Minions from Despicable Me. So for Christmas I went and picked up Charlie Operation Despicable Me. As Charlie had asked for a Operation game and didn’t say which one he wanted.  So as soon as we get the batteries for our Operation Me game we will be adding it to our Family Game Night and I can’t wait. As I want to see how well Charlie plays Operation Me.

Operation Minion

As a child we had a Operation game and I must confess I am the worst at Operation game. As I always cause the the patient’s nose to light up off no matter how careful I was. So every time I played it as a child I lost. Although I had a lot of fun playing with my friends. Now, I am sure this time it will be the same way when I play with Charlie.

I like knowing that with this Despicable Me Operation game allows us to purchase other Minions to add to our game. As there is over 50 different Minions and I know Charlie will want to collect them all just as I do.

Opertain game

I like playing Despicable Me with Charlie as there is no, reading so this will stop him from getting as frustrated as he does when we play some games. We can use the words in spelling so he learns how to say them and spell them. So we don’t have to read them to Charlie all the time.

Like all the other Board Games we have Despicable Me can not only be a Game for us to play on Family Game Night but a learning tool as well. Despicable Me  can be used in Homeschooling Charlie which I am glad to know. As we can draw the Minions in art and color them. As well as right out reports of what happens when we play Despicable Me .

Operation back

If you would like to purchase Despicable Me  for your family you can find it at:



If your children are like Charlie and I and they love Minions from Despicable Me then you might also want to look for the Monopoly game they have out as it is the next Board Game I want to pick up for Charlie and I. Or Trouble as they also have it.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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