Charlie Has Been Asking For An Allowance

As a child, I wasn’t given an allowance even though I had to do Chores. As I was growing up I always said if I had children I would do things differently. I would give them an allowance so they could purchase items they wanted without always having to ask me for the items. As soon as Suzzane was old enough I put together a list of chores for her to do. As well as how much she would receive if she completed her chores.

Suzzane was different than Suzane and always did her chores without being told to. Then she would save her money unless she was spending it on someone she loved. So I thought since Suzzane was so easy that Charlie would be as well. Now, let me tell you that isn’t the case. Like everyone says no, two children are alike and that is more and more the case with allowances.

As Charlie wants the money but he doesn’t want to do the chores we expect him to do to get the money. In fact, Charlie expects David and I to clean his room for him. Then just buy anything he asks for. Which I have decided I am not going to do anymore. Now, I know it might be too late to break this habit but I am bound and determined I am going to somehow someway.

So this week I am checking into sites that will help hold both Charlie and me accountable not only with the allowance we give Charlie but the chores he does. As I was looking around I found a website called BusyKid and this website helps us simply chores and allowances. So I plan on signing up this week and I thought you might like to check it out as well.


Think of it as your kid’s first job with direct deposit. Learn more about the ONLY system where children COMPLETE chores, MANAGE allowance and INVEST in stock


The BusyKid Visa® Prepaid Spend Card gives your children the freedom to spend their allowance in stores or online. It’s the best way to start teaching your child how to live responsibly in our near cashless society.

The only part of this program I am not too crazy about is our children will be given a Visa PREPAID Spend Card as I don’t want Charlie to become dependant on Credit Cards. I want him to always use cash as Charlie and I do. This way if you don’t have the money you can’t purchase anything and it keeps you from going into debt.

There is a monthly fee and I am not sure I like that. Although with the 30 days free I will try it out as it gives me time to decide if it is worth investing in.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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