Cozy Wings Have Been A Godsend

I woke Charlie up to work on his room and when he was awake Charlie let me know his stomach was hurting. He said  he felt like he needed to throw up.

Charlie went to the restroom and when he finished  Charlie asked me if he could go and lay back down. Even though we needed to work on Charlie’s room I let him lay down. Charlie was laying on the couch I could see he was shivering.

I asked Charlie if he wanted anything and Charlie asked me for a glass of coke and his Cozy Wings. For anyone wondering what Charlie was referring to the wings were his Cozy Wings he received for Christmas.

I asked Charlie if he wanted Marvel Captain American Twin Cozy Wings Throw Blanket Red or Marvel Spider-Man Twin Cozy Wings Throw Blanket. Charlie said he would prefer Spider Man which I figured.

I brought everything Charlie asked for then he asked me if I would like to try on the Avengers Wings. I said once your better that I would like to try on the wings.

Then I reminded Charlie if his cousin Jason or David saw his wings that they would want them. Then I might not have a chance to try try on them on the wings.

As I was walking away to come back to work I noticed Charlie had the Spider-Man Cozy Wings wrapped around him like a blanket. With it being cold in our home this morning I borrowed the Avengers Wings and did the same thing. Now, I just need to order a pair for David so he doesn’t take Charlie’s.

I was  distracted with Charlie not feeling well that when I went to the mailbox I forgot to remove the wings I had around my shoulder. My neighbor Leslie was outside.

Leslie asked to see Charlie’s wings because she thought her sons would like a pair of there own wings. I let Leslie know there was Cozy Wings comes in styles created for girls as well.

Leslie asked me to send her the website so she could share Cozy Wings with our neighbor Halley who could order a pair for her children. Then during the Summer everyone would have a pair of Cozy Wings to play with outside. Once I heard this I knew I would need to order extra Cozy Wings for the kids Charlie has come and stay with us in the Summer.

David came home from work and was able to look at Cozy Wings up close and he let me know we could use Cozy Wings as a blanket on Charlie’s bed or even hang them up on turning Cozy Wings into a wall hanging which I hadn’t thought about.  I think Cozy Wings would be a cute way to decorate Charlie’s bedroom to stand out from his friends.

David and I loved how soft Cozy Wings are. Were thinking about ordering Cozy Wings to give to the children’s hospital in our area for children suffering from Cancer in memory of our friend Hunter who passed away right before Christmas. Allowing the children to be a child all from the comfort of there beds.

Charlie and I can take Cozy Wings with us to the Park or when we go visit my dad because they’re machine washable. I could even see leaving Cozy Wings in the car for Charlie to use when were stuck in traffic.

I can’t wait to share Cozy Wings with the Pre School and Kindergarten teacher in Charlie’s school because I know they could use Cozy Wings in there Reading Corner.

As for the Avenger’s Cozy Wing Charlie went to put this one on but he got sick. I didn’t want to get anything on the wing so Charlie put the wing up to play with until he feels better.

Although, I was able to see Avenger’s Cozy Wing before Charlie put this up and I loved the picture on the box came in. When David got home I showed him Avenger’s Cozy Wing.

David asked me if Avenger’s Cozy Wing was for David or Jason. Or if we would be able to give Avenger’s Cozy Wing to our grandson Elijah. I let David know Charlie and I had decided to keep both Cozy Wing.

Once Jason or Elijah come to visit they can play with Charlie with the wings. If truth is none I know once Charlie is able to open the Avengers Cozy Wing up that he will never let anyone else use Avengers Cozy Wings because the Avengers is Charlie’s favorite movies.

I could even see Charlie asking David if he would be able to bring wings with us when we go and watch the  Avengers Movies. Knowing David he would say no.

As for me I’m always telling David to pick his battles. I would let Charlie bring the wings with us. In fact I might even bring the Spider-Man Cozy Wings to cover up with in place of the blankets we usually bring to the movies.

The thoughts in all these post are my families and our friends and families no, one else.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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