Know about the Different Forms of Foster Care

Know about the Different Forms of Foster Care

Almost every family faces some challenges. There are different reasons which may make parents not to be able to look after their kids. At the time when it becomes essential for removing the child from their home exclusively for safety, the child welfare experts will find for them the best possible placement till they can return home safely. Today various forms of foster care are there to cater to the unique requirements of every child and family.

Different Foster Care Types

When you consult a good foster care provider in Blue Sky Surrey, you can enjoy the following types of foster care namely,

Kinship/Relative Care- In fact relatives like cousins, uncles, aunts or grandparents are the first desirable choice to offer children a caring and safe environment. This form of care is categorized into three types,

Informal Kinship Care- Here no child welfare system is involved. The parent may leave the kid under the care of a relative if they are ill or go overseas. But the parent will have the child’s legal custody.




Voluntary Kinship Care- Here there is an involvement of a child welfare system. However, the State will not take legal custody of the child. Child welfare workers in most cases when they find a report of neglect or abuse via the parent then the court will keep the child with his/her relatives as the parents get support for resolving the disruptions or conflicts and learn some healthy skills to help the child return home safely. Here again, the parent will have the child’s legal custody.



Formal Kinship Care- The judge will place the child in the State’s legal custody, and the child welfare agency will place the kid with a foster family or relative. The child’s legal custody will be under the welfare agency and work in harmony with the family for making legal decisions regarding the kid.


NRKIN (Non-related Kin)- This refers to an individual, generally a coach, teacher, family friend or neighbor that knows the child and the family and agrees to offer them a safe home till they can return home safely.

Traditional Foster Care– People that cater to the needs and finish the training for becoming foster parents will be capable of caring for  any sibling group, teen or child in state custody and for an undetermined time. Foster parents offer support and care for kids till the implementation of a permanent plan.

Medical, Therapeutic or Specialised Foster Care- Most kids that enter foster care must have undergone traumatic stress like neglect, abuse or any family challenge. While others have experienced developmental and intellectual delays or significant medical conditions. Such children require specialized care especially from caregivers and trained professionals to heal from this trauma and create their independent and social living skills.

Apart from this the list of foster care also includes emergency foster care and respite care. Get in touch with an expert right away and allow them to guide you in the best way possible.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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