Chicken Soup For The Soul The Cat Did What?

Chicken Soup for the Soul

I love to read and have been “Blessed” to work with Chicken Soup for the Soul for the past couple years as one of there Bloggers. So even though I have shared there books in the past. I thought with Christmas right around the corner now would be the perfect time to share them again So today I would like to share with you Chicken Soup for the Soul The Cat Did What? For the
“Cat Lovers” on your Gift Giving List.

So since my sister is a cat person I think Charlie and I will order her this fun book. As she would have something to read as she has been having a lot of Dentist appointments and waiting in a Lobby can get boring. Plus she can take it with her to work to read on her lunch house.

I even got the book out the other night as it has chapters inside it so Charlie and I could read one or two a night to help him with his reading. As he is still learning to read. This is a book we can even get David to sit down and read with us even though he is not a cat person. Because some of the stories inside it are just funny.

So with over 100 stories in The Cat Did What you will have plenty of stories to keep you out of trouble. Although some of these cats did not stay out of trouble. In fact some of them reminded me of my dogs. LOL

So if you would like to check out Chicken Soup for the Soul the Cat Did What you can check it out at:

About This Book

Our feline friends constantly surprise and charm us with their silly antics, their loving connections with our family members, and their surprising intelligence. You will enjoy reading all the 101 amazing and humorous stories in this collection about the mischief, miracles, and magic our cats bring to our lives. This collection will make you laugh and touch your heart and after reading these stories we know you’ll say, “The cat did what?”

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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