TOPS Idea Collective Journal

I am conducting a review update I did for Shoplet on TOPS Idea Collective Journal

As I was searching for items for Charlie for Christmas, I was looking through the things I had reviewed this past year. When I found my TOPS Idea Collective Journal. Which I received sent from Shoplet. Even though I have used my journal, I knew ordering one for Charlie would make an excellent Stocking Stuffer.

Because Charlie considers himself a blogger, and we all know  Bloggers need to keep notes. So I figured he would be able to use his TOPS Idea Collective Journal to make notes when we are out and about. Charlie can even draw pictures in TOPS Idea Collective Journal. Or take it to school to collect his friend’s phone numbers. As you can see, there are so many different things you can do with TOPS Idea Collective Journal. Which tell us TOPS Idea Collective Journal would make beautiful Gifts for everyone on your Gift Giving list.

This small Journal even has a string that goes around it to keep it closed. Charlie could take it to Church with him to take notes, and we could put his money for the offering inside TOPS Idea Collective Journal and Charlie wouldn’t lose the money he brings to Church. We could do this with his lunch money as well as no one would know he has cash inside his backpack.

David and his Dad can even use TOPS Idea Collective Journal to track the mileage they drive for work. Or to keep track of any issues they might encounter on the equipment they are operating that day for work.

Davids mom and his brother Mike would be able to use this TOPS Idea Collective Journal to keep track of there reading from having there blood checked for Diabetes as it would be easy to keep up with her numbers. As well as handy to take to the Doctor as they have been asked to bring their records in every three months.

As you see, there are many different ways you can use TOPS Idea Collective Journal.

As I looked through the website I was amazed at all the different colors the journals come in and if my mom was here, I can tell you she would choose the “RED” one as that is her favorite color. So I will get Charlie both a red and black as he also loves red and says it is his favorite color. So in this respect, he takes after my mom. Which I like knowing this as I miss her and this keeps her close to me.

Another thing I like about the TOPS Idea Collective Journal is there are many different sizes, so it makes all jobs easy. As they have a capacity for anything, you are doing.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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