Christmas Gift Guide 2018 Vintage Chicago Published By Chicago Tribune

I am here this morning to share a new novel called Vintage Chicago published by Chicago Tribune  and you will find Vintage Chicago in this years Christmas Gift Guide 2018. I received a copy of Vintage Chicago but the thoughts in this review are mine and my families no, one else.

When I decided I wanted to do a Lesson Plan/ Unit Studies on the 50 States in our Homeschooling class. I knew I wanted to make the lessons different but interesting enough that Charlie would want to learn about the States. Because we couldn’t travel to each State I needed to find books and articles which would capture Charlies attention and lead him to wanting to know more about the State.

This week we will be studying Chicago and I knew there was a song I remembered from when I was a child. I wanted Charlie to listen to written by Frank Sinatra . Other than that I didn’t know anything about Chicago. I had Charlie research Sports teams. When a email arrived and again it was a GOD MOMENT” because inside the email it mentioned a Novel called Vintage Chicago and from the description I knew Vintage Chicago would make learning about Chicago more interesting.

Charlie and I  would be able to read Vintage Chicago and look at the pictures and visit their Instagram account and on the pictures Charlie is the most interested in we could do more research on that subject. I love having Vintage Chicago broken down into sections as we can study a section a week or ever how long we chose.

Once we finish Vintage Chicago Charlie has decided he wants to research the types of food this town is famous for and try and create those dishes. Which will lead to cooking.  As well as looking up Historical buildings and landmarks in Chicago he can use in Art class. I was so happy to see this new novel has brought out idea Charlie thought of on his own. That I can’t wait to look for more novels like


Vintage Chicago

Chicago Tribune Staff

A rare collection of photographs from the Chicago Tribune‘s underground vault, curated for the popular @vintagetribune Instagram account. Yes, there are cats.

The @vintagetribune Instagram, a beloved photography account produced by the photo editors of the Chicago Tribune, has been mining the newspaper’s vast subterranean archives since 2014 and breathing new life into its most gram-worthy black-and-white images. 

You won’t find the 300 photos in this collection in your typical time capsule. These aren’t the dramatic, front-page, history-making photographs we’re used to seeing from photojournalists. These are the images that would have been posted had Instagram existed in, say, 1932—the offbeat, gritty, strange, funny, rare, charming, everyday images captured in the moments that happened between the well-documented events that make up the city’s official biography.

This book is an unexpected, inspired portrait of one of the world’s great metropolises, told through the lenses of the countless feet-on-the-street photographers from the city’s hometown paper.

And yes, there are cats. We are talking about Instagram, after all.

Hardcover | $25 | 7 x 7

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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