Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor 2018 The Rocket Fishing Rod

This is a review for Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor 2018 The Rocket Fishing Rod. I received to review. As well as see them in this years Christmas Gift Guide. The thoughts in this review are mine and my families. Once Christmas is over and it warms up outside and stops raining Charlie and David plan on taking Rocket Fishing Rod on there Fishing Trips.


Rocket Fishing Rod is manufactured by Goliaths a toy company. I have exciting seasonal news  and I would like to let you know Goliaths best item for Fall encourages father and son bonding time while allowing them to celebrate America’s favorite pastime. 

Can you guess what that is? FISHING!!

The Rocket Fishing Rod is the only rod that completely takes the hassle out of fishing and accurately casts its line up to 30 feet, making it the top choice for young fishers. Just pump, launch and reel in real fish!

Made with hi-tech precision engineering, a safety bobber keeps the hook enclosed until it hits the water, all but eliminating the snarls and snags. Once the bobber is in the water, the lure/bait compartment opens to drop the lure/bait to the desired depth.

I can’t wait until this Summer when I am able to show you Charlie and David taking Elijah fishing. If his parents will allow them to. If not then I will be sharing Charlie and David’s fishing/ camping trips. Where we can celebrate tech-free time together fishing this Fall. The Rocket Rod is the perfect way to enjoy quality family time in the outdoors and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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