Common Oral Health Issues

Common Oral Health Issues

Oral health is one thing that many people take for granted. Only when they start experiencing problems do they realize the importance of practicing good oral hygiene. There are several oral health problems that are caused by different things. The experts at Irvine Lake Dental have highlighted some of the most common oral health problems, their causes, and how they can be treated.

  1. Bad breath

Yes, this is in fact a health condition. Its scientific name is halitosis and it is one of the most prevalent oral health problems. You probably know someone who has bad breath. Bad breath rarely ever occurs unaccompanied by other oral health problems. Some of the problems associated with bad breath include oral cancer, cavities, dry mouth and gum disease. Therefore, simply using mouthwash or chewing gum will not make the problem go away. These are very temporary solutions and the longer you wait to seek medical help, the harder the condition will be to treat. You need to visit your dentist to determine what the underlying problem is so that the condition can be treated.

  1. Periodontal disease

This is more commonly referred to as gum disease. It is most common among adults above the age of 30. People who do not practice good oral hygiene are more prone to this disease. Smokers also face a higher risk of developing the disease. Symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, bad breath, and pain while chewing. If it is not treated in good time, it could lead to tooth loss. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage and may involve surgery to reverse the damage.

  1. Oral cancer

Millions of people in the US alone are suffering from oral cancer. Some of the things that increase the risk of developing this disease include alcohol consumption, smoking, and HPV. If detected early, it can be treated. But many have died from this disease because it was detected too late and nothing could be done. Treatment involves chemotherapy and radiotherapy to kill the cancer cells. Going for regular dental checkups can help you catch the disease early and therefore improve your chances of recovering from it.

  1. Tooth sensitivity

Your teeth can become sensitive to sugar, hot drinks or cold drinks, or even cold air. Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a cracked tooth, which exposes your nerve endings and therefore causes discomfort when your tooth comes into contact with some things. You need to visit your dentist to determine what the problem is and treat it. If it is not treated in good time, you may end up with a tooth infection and you might have to lose a tooth or two.

  1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is caused by poor oral hygiene. The food particles that remain in your mouth combine with the plaque to release some acidic substance and that is what causes tooth decay. You can prevent tooth decay by practicing good oral hygiene. Treatment depends on the severity of the damage. In extreme cases, the affected tooth may have to be extracted to prevent the problem from spreading to other teeth.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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