Creative Activities for Kids

Young children love to play together, but with the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, playdates with friends and games with large groups are sadly not safe ideas.

Physical distancing is a responsible way to protect ourselves and others, but for little ones learning about the world around them and connecting with their peers through play, it can be especially challenging. But just because your children are stuck inside doesn’t mean they can’t have fun and learn at the same time.

Here are some creative ways to enjoy playful moments with your child and expand her world when physical space is limited.

1. Create Your Own Puzzle

Image result for personalized puzzle

You don’t even need a pair of scissors to make your own puzzle, as long as you already have puzzles at home. All you need is crayons, markers or paint.

Create your own puzzle by simply using the other side of a puzzle you have (it’s usually blank cardboard) to draw or paint your own picture. First, you’ll need to put the original puzzle together, then carefully flip it over. Draw your complete picture, take a picture of it to reference, then break the puzzle apart and build it back using your image instead.

Make it even more difficult by drawing on the separate pieces first, then trying to put the puzzle together without knowing what it will look like until the end.

2. Make Superhero Capes

Image result for make superhero capes

Before you make your capes, talk to your kids about their talents and how they can use them to be superheroes. Then, think of a superhero name and logo that has to do with their talents and create your cape!

To make yours, grab an old T-shirt and cut everything below the collar – only halfway around – to keep the collar intact. Once you cut halfway around the collar, cut down the back of the shirt on both sides to create the cape.

Basically, you’re leaving the full collar and back of the shirt intact and cutting away the rest. Then, design your cape using markers or fabric paint. 

3. Paint Fireworks

Image result for  fireworks using empty toilet paper and paper towel tubes

Recycle empty toilet paper and paper towel tubes with this project. Cut vertical slits around one end of the tube and fan them out. Then, dip the end of the tub in paint and press it on a blank sheet of paper.

Use a different tube for each color of paint. To make your fireworks truly sparkle, sprinkle on some glitter while the paint dries.

4. Make Slime

Image result for make halloween slime

While there are several recipes out there (DIY slime is very popular), our favorite recipe only requires three ingredients: glue, contact lens solution and baking soda.

To make slime, take one, 6-ounce bottle of glue (we prefer the clear Elmer’s glue) and mix in ½ teaspoon baking soda and 2 – 3 tablespoons of contact lens solution. Use a mixing spoon or popsicle stick to stir the slime until it starts to thicken.

Once it forms into a blob, use your hands to mix and knead it. Pieces of it will stick to hands but keep kneading it. The slime will eventually harden to the point where it moves as one unit. For additional fun, add in food coloring or glitter.

5. Go Towel Skating

A fun activity that also cleans your floors, towel skating is just as it sounds. Squirt some cleaner on your floor, put some rags under your kid’s feet in place of roller skates and let them glide across the floor.

Just make sure they get every inch.

These activities will surely keep your little ones active and busy!

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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