Daily Calendar Bizarre, Special and Unique Holidays – March 31, 2021

GOod morning, welcome to our series on Daily Calendar Bizarre, Special and Unique Holidays – March 31, 2021. If your looking for something to celebrate today there is plenty of Holidays.

Including ones you and your students can study if your Homeschooling full time like Charlie is. I can’t wait to see which Holiday Charlie most wants to study. For me it’s National Crayon Day. What about you?

Bunsen Burner Day

Bunsen Burner Day

Celebrates the birthday of its creator. German chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Von Bunsen was born on March 31, 1811 and you guessed it, he created the Bunsen Burner.

If you are a high school student, you know all about the Bunsen burner. If your like Charlie only in Middle School or even Elementary School you might not know what a Bunsen Burner is but now is a good time to look up lesson plans on them as you will be using one in Science Class.

If you work in a chemistry laboratory, chances are you use the burner in your job.For me it’s been a while since high school chemistry class, even though I hate to admit that I am getting old the memory of the Bunsen burner has faded. Which could be because I wasn’t good in Science and I didn’t pay attention the way I should have. How about you?

Here is a fact you can share with your students the Bunsen Burner is a long, hollow tube. Gas and air are combined to create a hot flame. The burner is used in a wide range of scientific and laboratory projects.

More Holidays celebrated today:

National Clam on the Half Shell Day

Its national clams on the halfshell day!... - North Oyster Bay Baymen's  Association | Facebook

Charlie and I are not Seafood eaters so we will not be having Clams of any kind. As for David I couldn’t tell you if he likes Clams or not because he doesn’t eat Seafood around Charlie and I.

The world really needs a day like today. You must be elated that someone was smart enough, and had the insight, to create this day for us to enjoy and savor. Although, Charlie and I could care less about the day you might feel differently.

I hope that your not like me and that you like clams. The objective of the day is to enjoy clams on the half shell. If you don’t like clams, don’t be sad or disappointed. Tomorrow is a new day.

National Crayon Day

National Crayon Day - Homewood Public Library

A colorful day, and this day is one truly worth celebrating. A day to celebrate the creation of crayons and the joy of coloring.

Did you know that the origin of crayons dates back to the17th century. The original crayons were not made of wax. The colors in those early days, were more limited. The Crayons weren’t long lasting or durable. Wax crayons arrived at the beginning of the 1900’s.

In 1902, the Crayola brand arrived on the scene changing the world of crayons and they haven’t been the same since. Between 1902 and today, Crayola has come out with 120 colors. This day can be a little bittersweet, as Crayola has retired 50 colors, most often on this very day.

Crayon Trivia

  • Crayola makes over 3 billion crayons a year.
  • The world’s largest crayon was made by Crayola. Can you believe the Crayola was 15’6″ and weighed 1,352 pounds.
  • The smell of crayons is the most recognizable scent for adults.
  • Crayola has made over 237 billion crayons.

Do you know how to celebrate National Crayon Day? Get out the coloring book and crayons, and show off your artistic skills.

How to Celebrate National Crayon Day

Invite your friends and family over and get out your crayons and a coloring books. Then host a coloring contest to see who colors the best. Serve Crayola inspired Snacks.

World Backup Day

Are You Prepared for World Backup Day?

Serves as a very important reminder to secure vital files, by making a back up copy. I hate to admit it but I never do this even though I run a business and have lost important documents at times. Do you Backup your files?

Nearly everything is on an electronic file stored in your cell phone or computer. Lfe is so busy and fast paced, that many of us do not take the time to back up our files.

Imagine how you’d feel, if you didn’t have those precious photos stored in a back up file or in The Cloud. If you don’t back up those important files, a system crash, can cause you many hours in re-creating them. When it comes to photos, you just can’t recreate them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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