Day 4 Age Disruptors Perimenopause-Menopause Support & Solutions

I really thought I would get in all of my steps today because I had two events we would be attending. To start the day off while David and Charlie got dressed I went and walked down our complex twice. Then I finished dressing so we could head to Dallas for our first event at the African American Museum.

I thought I would get quite a few steps at the Museum but that didn’t happen as it was pretty small. There was only 2 floors with a couple exhibit rooms. As well as the stairs we opted to use instead of the elevator. On the way home we stopped for lunch which allowed me to get in a few more steps.

We came home and instead of walking David and I opted to watch a movie together which we don’t usually have time to do. Then that evening we went to a Movie Premier giving me a few more steps. As you can I made less than 4300 steps in but at least I did get up and move. For me that is what counts the most.

There is one more day in the Age Disruptors Perimenopause-Menopause Support & Solutions and only the LORD knows if I will or will not get my steps in. But I can say is I am going to try. I refuse to give up and I would like to invite you to come and go on a walk with me this evening. Which will keep me motivated.

Be watching to see what happens after the challenge ends as I want to start my own and I would love having you join us.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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