Day 5 Age Disruptors Perimenopause-Menopause Support & Solutions

Yesterday was the last day in Day 5 Age Disruptors Perimenopause-Menopause Support & Solutions. I must tell you I am actually sad to see it end. This challenge pushed me in so many ways. Not only that I’ve had friends ask me if there would be another challenge. I plan on starting my own and would like to invite you to join us once we get all the details worked out.

In the meantime I’m proud to say even though I didn’t go outside and walk early in the morning like I had planned I got all 7500 steps in. Which wouldn’t have happened if David hadn’t taken me to the Fort Worth Stock Show. I am very proud of myself as we got there at 4:30 and didn’t leave until after 6.

This gave me two full uninterrupted hours of walking which I never thought I would be able to do. Then we stopped for dinner. Which allowed me to get in a few more steps because even though I hate to admit it I was still behind. I am so proud of myself because we came home and even though I was tired I went out walking.

I didn’t stop until I hit 7500 steps and I really really felt like I could have walked longer if it hadn’t been dark outside. Charlie had to get online with one of his clients and David had to go to bed. I didn’t want to be walking through the complex at 9pm by myself even with the dogs because to many people were coming in and out of the apartment.

Have a good time and thank you for following me on my journey and be watching to see what happens next.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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