Does Safflower really work? Debunking the Myths

Safflower is the type of plant. The oil derived from the seeds and the flower widely used for medicinal purposes. The seed oil is typically taken orally as an expectorant that loosens phlegm, antiperspirant, laxative and to induce sweating.

Some people use the oil for traumatic injuries, chest pain, heart disease, clotting issues, breathing problems, coughs, tumors, treating fever and diabetes. Safflower seed oil can use in foods as cooking oil.

Components of Safflower Seed Oil

The linoleic and linolenic acids in the seed oil may help to minimize the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol and prevent the arteries from hardening. Safflower consists of chemicals that might thin the blood and prevent clots, stimulate the heart, reduce blood pressure and widen the blood vessels.

CLA Safflower Oil

Safflower oil has rapidly become a standard feature in several supplement cabinets. Along with being advertised as a supplement for fat loss, it has also showcased the ability to reduce appetite. The scientific name of CLA is conjugated linolenic acid and is a fatty acid usually found in beef, dairy and vegetable oils and is the best-known Omega 6 fatty acid.

People typically consider Omega 3 fatty acids regarding general health. However, this category of fatty acids has its own powerful effect on weight loss as well as other health benefits. CLA safflower oil is produced by the safflower plan with the emphasis being on the oil. This form is potent and is usually contained within a small capsule to ease consumption.

How Safflower Oil Works

Preventing the hardening of arteries is the primary mechanism of the functionality of CLA safflower oil and not only reduces the risk of heart disease and cholesterol, but it also makes sure that the heart pumps optimally for all the vital nutrients in the blood to get to the right places.


One of the ways that safflower promotes weight loss is by ensuring that blood cells work efficiently. Safflower suppresses the appetite, which means that while you take it, you will be able to feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food and will result in a reduction of calories that contributes to weight loss without making you feel like you are starving yourself.

The Omega 6 oil also increases metabolism as the body burns a higher number of calories during with the day after taking the capsule.

Safflower primarily plays three key roles:

  • Making sure that the body’s cells function optimally facilitate weight loss.
  • Suppressing appetites.
  • Increasing metabolism.

The aforementioned factors deal with weight loss effects from each angle.

Safflower Oil and Weight Loss

Considering the attributes of safflower oil, it has the potential to be a worthwhile solution for weight loss. Aside from invasive alternatives, the three effects of safflower oil provide a way to reduce body fat. Confusion and apprehension arise when safflower oil categorized as a fatty acid.

The word fat may instill some doubt and feat, but the reality is that dietary fat does not make people gain fat. Even with a diet that only contains protein, it is possible to gain weight. People gain weight or fat because they consume more calories than they burn.   

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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