
Parents are having to Homeschooling there children now and a lot of them aren’t sure what to do. I would like to share a tip with you. You can use Board Games in school.

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If your children are bored and not wanting to do there work then have them check into Goliath Games and pick up some you can play with them as well as ones they can play on there own.

Running out of ways to entertain your little ones? Dragon Snacks is the perfect game to entertain your kiddos while teaching them color recognition and memory skills!

This greedy little dragon has eaten all of your treasure so it’s your job to get it back! Wave your hand in front of his light-up nose to reveal the treasures in his belly.

Memorize where they all are, so when his nose gives you a colorful clue, you can reach in and pick out that color treasure. Be the first to successfully collect 3 treasures to win!

Escape to the jungle and swing into fun with Banana Blast! Roll the die to see how many bananas you get to pick from the treetop. One of the bananas will make Banana Joe jump, but it’s a different banana every time. 

When the monkey jumps, all the players must try to catch him before he hits the ground. The player who catches Banana Joe gets two bonus bananas! Then players count their bananas to see who has the most to win.

This delightful preschool game teaches hand-eye coordinationtaking turns, and quick reactions and its unpredictable action make for exciting repeat gameplay!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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