Guess Who’s Joined Our Holiday Gift Guide BVspa

Guess Who’s Joined Our Holiday Gift Guide BVspa. The weather’s not the only thing changing these days, so I wanted to share some new products with you from BVspa. As daylight savings is approaching, once we change our clocks, your sleep schedule may be thrown off a little bit.

Having a calming nightly routine will put you in the “bedtime” mindset and prepare you for a long night of sleep.

2016 Holiday Gift Guide Sponsor

After setting your alarm, put your phone away and try not to look at social media or text before bed. Endless scrolling on your phone can distract you and keep you awake longer than you planned.

Taking a warm bath or shower before bed can clear your mind and help trigger a temperature decrease which lets your body know it’s time for bed.

In the shower use lavender scented products to calm and relax you before sleep. The scent of lavender has been proven to increase deep slumber where the heartbeat slows, and muscles relax. A body scrub like BVspa Sugar Scrub in Lavender & Rosemary is a gentle scrub for exfoliating and contains moisturizing elements such as safflower seed oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil.


Finally, follow your shower with a lavender scented body lotion. BVspa Body Lotion in Lavender & Rosemar  is nourishing and won’t feel heavy on your skin, allowing you to get a comfortable night’s sleep

 I hope you enjoyed learning more about “Guess Who’s Joined Our Holiday Gift Guide BVspa” and I would like to know if you have ever used BVspa and if so what did you think of them and which products did you use?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates


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