Healthy Ways to Deal With A Breakup


Going through a breakup can end up leading to huge amounts of emotional turmoil and mental stress. You need to come up with some decent coping mechanisms to make sure that you come out the other side. And while there is no single way of doing this which works for everybody, there are plenty of techniques which you can put into practice. Here is a round-up of just a few of the top ones.

Deal with Practical Issues

When you are stressing about practical things, this can end up leading to even higher levels of anxiety about your breakup. Sometimes, a lot of this can be alleviated simply by calling in for some professional support such as expert divorce solicitors. Otherwise, it may be that you can take care of the issues yourself. Perhaps you need to move some of your stuff out, change the name on your bills, cancel some services etc. Rather than letting these things loom over your head, it is much better to clear them off your plate at the earliest possible opportunity.

Write or Talk it Out

You may be the kind of person who prefers to internalize your feelings or perhaps you prefer to talk about them with those who are closest to you. Whatever works best for you, it is certainly better than having negative thoughts constantly rattling around in your head. When you write them down, you are helping to clarify your thoughts and deal with them in this way. When you speak about them with those around you, this gives you the opportunity to receive some practical and emotional support.

Look After Your Body

It can be enormously tempting to comfort yourself by binging on junk food or lazing around all day in front of Netflix. But doing this is only likely to increase your negative feelings. So, you should make sure to continue eating a balanced diet when you are going through a breakup. Not only this, you should also try to force yourself to do some exercise, something which many studies have shown to be naturally good for your emotional health and stress levels.

Do the Things You Love

While there are plenty of downsides involved in breaking up with someone, one of the upsides is the increased amount of time on your hands to pursue the things that you love. Everyone has different things that make them feel good. It could be something as simple as a cup of coffee or a trip to the movies. Maybe you could even go on a short mini-break to get away from it all for a little while. Ultimately, you need to try to treat yourself well when you are feeling at your lowest ebb.

There is no doubt that going through a breakup is an extremely challenging thing no matter stage of life that you are at, but these are just a few of the most effective coping mechanisms which can make it just a little bit easier.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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