Homeschool Blogger Shoutout Sherri Seligson

Good morning, How is your week going so far? Mine has been up and down with a child not listening. If I could, I would like to hang him from a tree this morning although we all know that isn’t done. I decided to work on this week’s Homeschool Blogger Shoutout. Would you please help me welcome Sherri Seligson.

Sherri manages the blog Sherri Seligson, and on her site, you will find she is an author, speaker, and a Scientist. For me, I want to check out her post on Families and also Homeschool to see what ages her children are. As well as what resources they use in their classrooms. So I would like to invite you along with me on this journey.

With Charlie needing to take Science this year I knew we would need to add experiments to our classroom.  I am blessed this morning to be able to share a post I found on her website called “How to Write A Lab Report.” I had no, clue where or how to do this in our classroom.

Hello. I’m Sherri. I’m a homeschool mom and the author of Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Marine Biology high school curriculum, Interning for High School Credit and a few other books and media. I love to cook, read, write, do science experiments (I keep my microscope in my china cabinet), but most importantly, I like to encourage moms in their walk with the Lord and as they train and educate their children.
Just EXTRAordinary is my way of reminding us that it is the ordinary things, done day-by-day, moment-by-moment, faithfully and lovingly, that amazingly make us EXTRAordinary.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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